All cities were committed to promoting the consumption of “local” food. Mirroring findings by Smaal et. al. (2021) that cities are using urban food policy to offer incentives and disincentives for certain food activities, many city policies pledge to intervene in procurement regulations or fisca...
meat prices, food safety challenges, affordability of diets and marketing of food choice—all of which were primarily driven by historical inequality and power asymmetry. At the dawn of independence in 1826, Bolivia’s government denied citizenship ...
The premises and assumptions that are common- ly used in projections of future global demand for food need to be challenged for a number of reasons (Hunter et al., 2017). First, the increase in food demand projected by the FAO is expressed in a monetary value which has widely contrasting...
Hygiene) Regulations 1995 (Food Safety Regulations) set out the basic hygiene requirements for food businesses, [...] 舉例而言, 《 1991 年食肆(登記)規例》(下稱"食肆規例")訂明食肆須向食物規管 機構登記,而《1995 年食物安全(一般食物 生 )規例》(下稱"食物安 全規例")訂定食...
There are lots of myths flying around that the tower was forced to close by safety regulations, and that it is about to fall down. Like any building which hasn’t been used for 30 years it would take a lot of investment to get it open again, and with roadside restaurants across the ...
clearly state their normative premises and assumptions. This themselves as defined and infused by power, or emphasized confusion is for Ooms one of the explanations "why global how constitutive effects also are expressions of power."22 This Background health's policy-makers are not implementing the...
EU legislation and regulations dictate that all food processors and manufactur- ers implement a documented food safety management system based on Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) principals, which must show that adequate inspection processes are in place. Food manufacturers also need ...
Under this framework, it has specific goals related to the development of organic agriculture in the context of incentives and regulations from the European Union (EU). According to its strategic plan, the promotion of organic products is linked to the promotion of the territory as a means to...