However, a recent trial showed no difference of altering the positioning of a specific category of foods (i.e. fruit and vegetable snacks) on the proportion of orders in an online school canteen ordering system. The discrepancy with our findings might be because that intervention was trying to...
A random ordering of pairs will be generated by the trial statistician in advance of data collection and provided to the field supervisor. The field team will arrive at the cluster the day prior to planned data collection, where they will sequentially attempt to identify each mother–child pair...
Figure 4. Diagram of foreign object detection method. 2.3.1. Effective Image Acquisition System The illumination plays an important role in improving the performance of the camera, but it also has a problem of creating shadows of objects. The RMF image, which is required when generating a syn...
Food-image recognition plays a pivotal role in intelligent nutrition management, and lightweight recognition methods based on deep learning are crucial for enabling mobile deployment. This capability empowers individuals to effectively manage their daily diet and nutrition using devices such as smartphones...
The methodological workflow comprised four stages: problem definition, land use classification and fishpond data extraction, database on a WebGIS, and client–server architecture interface. Figure 2 is an exemplary block diagram representing an inflow of data to the client-side or server-side web se...
Figure 1.Venn diagram of unique abstracts with overlaps queries of nutrition proteomics. An interactive version of this figure with links to the PubMed abstracts is in the File SA. 3.2. Document Annotation Annotation of the proteomic-nutrition corpus by DNorm [14] and GNormPlus [15] identified...
Figure 1. PRISMA Flow diagram of included studies. Table 2. Study design and methods. Table 3. Study outcomes. 3.2.2. Context As a condition of the review, the studies were conducted in a developed country, sampling the target populations that need to reduce their food waste with great...