The #1 order management platform for fresh food wholesale suppliers & their customers. Free demo on how to simplify ordering, picking, invoicing & payments.
A food order management system which coordinates the preparation and delivery of food orders at a business establishment using components which predict food order preparation times, delivery times, and other critical time periods in the food ordering process based on a variety of factors, internal to...
Food mine is multi-vendor food Management delivery software, It provides complete end-to-end solutions for your restaurant ordering business.
Food Delivery System Multi-restaurant Online Food Ordering saas app comes with all the app UI/UX and backend integration to build IOS / ANDROID mobile apps. Prevpage You're on page1 Nextpage Are you looking for multiple restaurant solutions like Ubereat or Swiggy?
Food Ordering System (FOS) using iPad is a management system that helps ordering in restaurants or any food business that has ordering services.The system implements the concept of electronic menus by using iPad tablet as a platform. Beautiful interface and easy to understand is the main strength...
The Order Directly ordering system is built into your mobile app and designed to work the exact same as what your customers are already used to ensuring a simple and seamless way for customers to order their takeaway directly. They are able to add multiple items from your menu, opt for deli...
Online food ordering application system allows users to order their desired meals and dishes right to their doorsteps. These apps have become increasingly popular in recent years. This is especially true in urban areas, as they provide a convenient way for people to enjoy restaurant-quality meals...
Get started to organize your business with RestaJet. Our online food ordering system is the key to success. Commission free! Quick Set up!
METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR PRODUCING, ORDERING, AND DELIVERING CONSUMER-CUSTOMIZED CAKES USING FOOD PRINTER CAPABLE OF PHOTOGRAPHING PRINTOUT Provided is a method of ordering a consumer-customized cake using a cake ordering system, including transmitting, to a management server, a cake image sele... S ...
A computerized food and beverages ordering apparatus implements an ordering service for meeting requirements of purchasers. A database comprises records representative of a plurality of ingredients, and at least two attributes are associated with each ingredient. One of the attributes associated to each ...