Marathi:vangi Sindhi:vangan Interesting. I love eggplant, but I’ve never thought of it as a substitute for Gas-X. Perhaps I should. Meanwhile, still in the cloudy ancient past, Persian cooks caught wind of it also. There the Sanskrit wordvatinganbecame transformed intobadenjan. Iranian di...
In the twelfth and thirteenth centuries Mukundaraj became the first man to write poetry in Marathi. Early in the fifteenth century two poets brought Bengali literature into prominence: Chandidas and Vidyapati, with the latter writing in Sanskrit as well as Bengali. Contemporary with them were ...
‘xenophobic’ in nature — from the GreekXenos, meaning “stranger” or “foreigner”, andPhobos, meaning “fear”. In short, it’s a fear or hatred of that which is perceived to be foreign or strange. On those lines,Axone(‘Aa-Koo-Ne’) is a praiseworthy narrative and an attempt ...
Anglo-Indian, in India, a citizen of mixed Indian and, through the paternal line, European ancestry. From roughly the 18th to the early 20th century, the term referred specifically to British people working in India. The meaning of the term Anglo-Indian
3: “Here in the mess the food made is mostly Marathi cuisine, so if someone is from Delhi, they will probably not like the Marathi food.” In addition, there were issues of students overfilling their plates and wasting food because they took more than they could eat, or took large qua...