24]. Households that live in big cities that are well connected to global food systems and have higher income levels have higher dietary diversity [35]. However, the pricing of food products in some of these markets can also
In Harrisonburg, environmental racism manifests in limited access to resources, including food insecurity and disproportionate food access in areas such as the Northeast Neighborhood, the city's most prominent and longstanding African American community. Harrisonburg's Northeast Neighborhood is home to a ...
The push of economic insecurity and the pull of flexible working will probably continue to drive this trend, especially in the knowledge worker market. Winners will be those who can figure out how to reduce the cost of sale / cost of delivery - a good topic for Brainfood Live at some ...
Headey and Ecker [34] argue that mis- measurement of food insecurity can lead to inappropriate re- sponses or even no response at all. They conclude that ICTs has a large role in improving the measurement of food and nutrition security, and that it can reduce the costs of data collection...
food insecurity, and malnutrition are not addressed, and conversely, the existing knowledge held by immigrants about food is scantly referenced. Only two policies explicitly mention how immigrants and their food practices can positively contribute knowledge and share skills related to healthy and sustainab...
Most households live below the national poverty line, experience seasonal food insecurity, and lack access to, for example, electricity, clean water, and basic healthcare (Dostie et al., 2002; Poudyal et al., 2018). Furthermore, within the last 10 years, extreme weather events in eastern ...
Understanding food insecurity in Zimbabwe: A critique of Richardson. African Affairs, 106(425), 681–690. Australian Farm Institute (2015). The family farm is becoming less family. Ag Forum. http://www.farminstitute.org.au/_blog/Ag_Forum/post/ the-family-farm-is-becoming-less-family/. ...
Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) (2010b) The state of food insecurity in the world—addressing food insecurity in protracted crises. Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome, Italy Google Scholar Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) (2012a) The second report on the state of the world’...
Chapter 2 Managing Soils for Food Security in Central and South Asia Rattan Lal Abstract Food insecurity in densely populated South Asia remains a major issue despite the success of the Green Revolution, and the problem also exists even in the sparsely populated Central Asia. Growing population, ...
FAO (2011) The State of Food Insecurity in the World 2011: how does international price volatility affect domestic economies and food security?. FAO, Rome Google Scholar FAO (2013) The State of food insecurity in the world: the multiple dimensions of food security. FAO, Rome ...