and others who prepare, handle, or store food or beverages must obtain a CA Food Handler Card. Part-time employees and students must also get Food Handler Cards. Food handlers must obtain a valid Food Handler Card within 30 days after the hire date at a food facility; renewal is required...
Online BASSET Certification Training for On Premise and Off Premise Certifications. Combine with ANSI Food Handler. Mobile Friendly, Self-Paced Training. Approved by the Illinois Liquor Control Commission since 2008. Easy & Safe Registration, US Support
At the heart of the SPA Safety Passport scheme is the core day, which involves training in seven key areas, to a level which everyone will understand. A delegate’s understanding is assessed by multiple-choice questions and achievement is rewarded by the issue of a credit card sized “Safety...
Support fundraising for the farmer training programs, including support in grant writing, reporting, funder relationship cultivation, and networking Teach in the farmer training programs, and develop managers as excellent teachers of apprentices. Effectively lead and supervise direct reports on staff of t...
At the heart of the SPA Safety Passport scheme is the core day, which involves training in seven key areas, to a level which everyone will understand. A delegate’s understanding is assessed by multiple-choice questions and achievement is rewarded by the issue of a credit card sized “Safety...