Interactive Social: Integrate social to show donation centers and areas in need, allowing users to find nearby locations or request pickups. Social Sharing & Feedback: Enable users to share experiences on social media and implement a feedback system for rating and reviewing donors and recipients.Ab...
Food-Donation-Web-Appliacation This website will help the food-donor to get information about the working of organizers of the food-charity like where the charity is located, volunteer’s work, where the donation goes, and so on. Star⭐ the repo if you like what you see, Thank you!!
The project aims to develop a comprehensive Food Distribution and Supplies Management System using React, Redux for state management. Donors can create new supply posts . Donors can edit or delete their food supply posts. Donors will be able to post testimonials about the donation posts. Users ca...
Aahar is a food donation app built on Java and powered by Firebase. Its primary objective is to facilitate the process of food donation, connecting food donators with receivers in a seamless manner. javafirebasexmlgoogle-mapsandroid-developmentandroid-studioandroid-appfirebase-authgoogle-maps-apifireba...
Food Donation App Table of Content Proposed System Activities 1. HOME PAGE 2. DONATE 3. PICK-UP INFO 4. LOGIN 5. DONOR INFORMATION 6. CHECK QUALITY 7. THANK YOU 8. ABOUT US Database Structure Location API Video Proposed System The application ‘FooDo’ will first ask the user if they...
These collections will support the main functionalities of our food donation platform, including user management, donation management, request management, communication management, data analytics, and system settings. Users Collection Stores personal information and history of users. Fields: _id: Unique ...
DoFood can make the overall process of food exchange and donation smooth between the donors and charities by involving volunteers as a bridge. It aims to strengthen the bond of donations between different charities and donors so that the charities never get short on their foods and the needy on...
Make a donation Your support would be very precious for me. Thank you, Lorenzo Releases32 Version 2.5.1Latest Dec 27, 2024 + 31 releases Contributors25 + 11 contributors ...
These policies can be categorized into the following themes: (1) prevention (narrowing resource loops, for example, reducing plate waste), rescue (slowing resource loops), further divided into (2) direct rescue (for example, food donation) and (3) indirect rescue, or repurposing (for example,...
donation prompts General headers and footers It looks like the CSS classes are very specific and so I suspect these could change with Keycloak releases. We therefore probably want a robust set of tests to ensure that themes are being applied correctly. Currently the common.css file has to be ...