N.S. belong to the Department of Nutritional Epidemiology and Behavioural Nutrition, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo, which is a social cooperation program with Ajinomoto, Co., Inc. The authors declare that Ajinomoto, Co., Inc. played no role in the design, analysis, ...
38,39 Methods Participants This cross-sectional study included healthy, premenopausal female participants who were recruited from the Los Angeles, California, community through advertisements from September 7, 2021, through February 27, 2023. Detailed recruitment and exclusion criteria and procedures are ...
Recruitment Clients were recruited from February 12th -April 4th, 2023, by study staff who sat at a table with study signage in the middle of Crossroads waiting room during open food distribution hours (Monday-Thursday 8:30 AM–1:30 PM, first Saturday 8:30–11:30 AM). If clients were ...
The work was supported by U01-HL145435-02S1: electronic vaping-induced acute lung injury (EVALI) (SMP), SARS-CoV-2 research startup funds (SRP), Duke Department of Medicine COVID-19 award (MB). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and interpretation, or the decision...
An important type of context is the industrial sector. Chinese economy is divided in a number of industries, headed by a central ministry or organization with ministerial status in Beijing. Each province and autonomous region has a Department corresponding with the central organization. Lower administr...
In a one-year period, from June 2014 to July 2015, a cross-sectional study was conducted as a part of a national integrated project with an objective to estimate dietary intake and biomarkers of folate status among women of reproductive age in Serbia. During the recruitment process, flyers wi...
The recruitment period (December 2017–June 2019) was set in advance due to logistic and financial constraints. All of the women delivering within the laboratory opening hours (8 AM–2 PM) with negative rapid diagnostic test results for HIV, HBV, and HCV at delivery were de facto included ...
Redefining Talent Acquisition in 2025: From Cost Center to Value Driver RECRUITMENT OPERATIONS Johnny Campbell again? I promise he has not paid me for this double inclusion, which I believe may be a brainfood first. But this second essay really does need to be widely read, especially on the...
Initially at the time of cluster recruitment, written and oral permission was sought from the community leader(s) within each cluster. We provided a verbal presentation of the intervention and study to the community leader(s) along with an information sheet on the study. If the community leader...
Participants and recruitment A total of 419 adult nationals and residents of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia aged 18 years or older, who have used online food ordering applications were included as a convenience sample. During data collection, participants’ actual use of these applications was verified...