Other channels are third-party delivery companies affiliated with the restaurant. These third parties use mobile apps, websites, and other channels to make it possible for clients to reach their preferred restaurant. A number of restaurants have accepted and adopted the use of online channels to ...
Kumasi and Tamale Metropolises in Ghana. According to Ghana’s 2010 Population and Housing Census, these cities are the biggest in Ghana’s southern, middle and northern parts. The three cities are cosmopolitan and have major food markets. The different study sites provide different perspectives...
Implementation plan of improving "last mile" delivery-logistics of produce. http://www.nanjing.gov.cn/xxgk/szf/201208/t20120803_1183307.html. Accessed July 23 2018. Nanjing Municipal Government (2013). Suggestion on Upgrading Wet Markets in Nanjing City. http://www.nanjing.gov.cn/xxgk/szf/...
Food delivery couriers are a new type of worker created in modern cities within the background of a sharing economy. As a form of gig worker, they shuttle through the streets and take charge of order distribution for digital labor platforms. Food delivery couriers use the atriums and streets...
Big hotels that order food through a supplier usually have a person responsible for checking the quality of the products upon delivery. Other hotels have refrigerators for storing meat, fish, and other dairy products. A final observation was that many spoiled pineapples filled the bins at the ...