谁能说说“食品防护计划(Food Defense Plan)”的具体内容吗? 具体的措施那些产业会与其相关联等等... 具体的措施 那些产业会与其相关联等等 展开 美国食品药品管理局(FDA)于2016年5月26日公告,食品安全现代化法(FSMA)重要配套法规“保护食品预防故意掺假缓解策
Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The plan addressed safety and defense for domestic and imported product with an integrated strategy for protecting the nation's food supply. It operates through a set of integrated stra...
FDA.1 The Food Defense Plan Builder (FDPB) is designed to assist food facilities in developing a plan for maintaining safe working conditions and protecting the U.S. food supply. The user friendly platform within the FDPB software guides users through the process of creating an ...
31 1 I 为应对国产及进口食品安全(food safety)和食品防护(food defense)问题,美国食品药品管理局(Food and Drug Administration, FDA)启动了《食品保护计划》(Food Protection Plan)。该计划与FDA《进口安全行动计划》(Administration’s Import Safety Action Plan)相结合,拟通过一整套综合策略付诸实施: 重点关注...
fresh dairy processed food distribution / sales / consuming fresh/frozen fruit/ vegetables 术语和定义-食品防护计划 食品防护计划 food defense plan • 为确保食品生产和供应过程的安全,通过进行食品防护评估,实施食品防护措 施等,最大限度降低食品受到生物,化学,物理等因素故意污染或蓄意破坏风 险的方法和程序...
This session will cover the security and safety requirements of FSMA, particularly in the context of Food Defense, and will highlight FDA action taken to date in this area. Complimentary handout: Participants will receive a model food defense plan that helps you assess security measures and risk...
FOOD DEFENSE PLAN INTRODUCTION All food processing facilities need to address food defense. The first step is to develop a functional food defense plan that assesses the existing security measures and risk reduction programs already in place to reduce the likelihood that a terrorist could adulterate ...
(g) Biennial Food Safety and Food Defense Research Plan.--The Secretary, the Secretary of Agriculture, and the Secretary of Homeland Security shall, on a biennial basis, submit to Congress a joint food safety and food defense research plan which may include studying the long-term health ...
must be verified and corrective actions must be taken to address failed mitigation efforts. The food defense plan must be reanalyzed at least once every three years or as needed (e.g., if a change at the facility requires reassessment or FDA requires reanalysis to respond to a specific ...
(HealthDay)—A new rule to protect the nation's food supply from terrorism has been introduced by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the agency announced Friday.