Food fraud, as mentioned above, is intentional adulteration of food carried out for economic gain, while food defense is meant to counteract activities carried out to intentionally inflict damage or danger. To ensure food integrity, food companies need transparency down to the producer and supplier...
The aim of this paper is to undertake a literature review and critique the often contradictory definitions that can be found in the literature in order to compare and contrast existing food crime risk assessment tools and their application. Food safety, food defense, and food fraud risk ...
employee training, proper equipment cleaning and maintenance, regular testing of product throughout the production cycle, well-documented HACCP and food safety/QC programs, adherence toFDA’s FSMA Preventive Controlsand more.
Defining food defense terms Terms like food security, food biosecurity, and food terrorism have circled the globe since the early 2000s. We need to “level set” on some definitions for the remainder of this chapter. While the content below might be new to you or cause your eyebrows to fur...
Food defence contributes to the mitigation of potential risks in intentional contamination and food fraud, which can have a harmful effect on humans and public health, business, economy, etc. The requirement for the implementation of food defence comes from retail chains. They require food companies...
Food Defense and Food Fraud: Requirements in GFSI Food Standards Read more Blog Loading... Anchoring food safety in the corporate culture: This is how the new BRCGS Food Safety Culture Excellence Module helps you. Read more Blog Loading... European standard EN 16636 for pest management...
Food Defense and Food Fraud: Requirements in GFSI Food Standards Read more Blog Anchoring food safety in the corporate culture: This is how the new BRCGS Food Safety Culture Excellence Module helps you. Read more Blog What's new? BRCGS' Standard for Packaging - Issue 6 ...
1 GMA (2010) “Consumer product fraud: Deterrence and detection.” 2 Kircher, A. (2012) “Tools for protecting the nation’s food supply,” National Center for Food Protection and Defense. Resources Poster: One Year of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) Data Colle...
Notable food fraud instances include adding melamine to milk, selling horse meat as beef, and adulterating olive oil with cheaper oils (Brooks et al., 2021; Giannakas and Yiannaka, 2023). Food defense refers to protecting food products from intentional contamination by acts of terrorism, sabotag...
8. Food fraud, food authentication, food defense, and foodborne disease outbreak investigations. 2 Manuscripts of a sensitive nature. Bioterrorism and food security are of major concern to all involved in food production, processing, evaluation, and distribution, including members of IAFP. Manuscripts...