for statistically significant differences by country income group and by region (Supplementary Tables1.1and1.4) and provide weighted means and medians by region and income group (Supplementary Tables1.2,1.3,1.5and1.6). These analyses show that only the presence of a national food system pathway is ...
Ni foam (>99.99%, MTI Corporation) was sonicated in a 5 M HCl solution for 30 minutes to remove the NiOxlayer on the surface. The foam was then rinsed using deionized water and ethanol and dried in air. Electrodeposition was carried out...
Within the setting of the amendment of the European framework directive on the use of VAT in 2022, we model the effects of adapting the current German VAT system by (1) reducing VAT on organic vegetarian food to 0% and (2) raising VAT on conventional meat and fish to 19%. Based on h...
many innovative drying processes are simulated, which are individually selected for the raw material being processed [21]. These include: spray drying, fluidized bed drying
Setting EE = 1 might underestimate input to detritus pool. Intra-guild predation on benthic invertebrates and microplankton was not explicitly modelled but is accounted for by reducing their gross growth efficiency by 50%. Limited information on seasonal presence of apex predators and their diets. ...
Following the principles described below, target values were set for energy, nutrients to limit and nutrients to encourage (Tables 3, 4). Table 3 Nutrient targets for nutrients to limit per product category Full size table Table 4 Nutrient targets for compulsory nutrients to promote per product ...
After determining the assignment of customers to districts, we need to solve a stochastic TSP for each district. Since we consider a setting where (i) route failure may only occur at the last customer’s location and (ii) a preventive return to the depot may be scheduled in the hope of ...
If maximizing profiting from slave labor in the 17thand 18thcenturies led to English tea time, profiting from excess corn in the 20thled to farmer payoffs, HFCS, hellish feedlots, ethanol laced gas, and other regrettables. TheOmnivore’s Dilemmadoes a great job explaining what has unfolded si...
The New Year’s spread on the tables of Petersburgers will be more modest this year than it was in 2021. They won’t have to skimp on ordinary goods yet, but delicacies such as caviar or red fish, as well as premium alcohol, will cost considerably more. Scammers and poachers who offe...
Migration on PostgreSQL failes for tables with foreign keys #2575 Automatic Entity cast for Parser #2317 Feature: Cache Driver - Serialize/Unserialize Objects #2111 Model set $escape problem #1929 \I18n\Time setTimezone does not work as expected #1807 TODO Database utility backup builder #1257...