•BRIO Tuscan Grille–FREEBirthday Meal (up to $15) •Bristol Seafood Grill(KS, MO) –FREEBirthday Entree (up to $25) •Bruegger’s–FREEBirthday Bagel & Cream Cheese •Bruster’s Real Ice Cream–FREEWaffle Cone – BOGO •Bruxie(CA) –FREEBirthday Frozen Custard •Bubba Gump– ...
In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering; IOP Publishing: Bristol, UK, 2017; p. 012002. [Google Scholar] Bakhshipour, A.; Zareiforoush, H.; Bagheri, I. Application of decision trees and fuzzy inference system for quality classification and modeling of black and green tea...
Technician-scored stool consistency spans the full range of the bristol scale in a healthy US population and differs by diet and chronic stress load. J. Nutr. 2021, 151, 1443–1452. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [PubMed] Miyazawa, T.; Itaya, M.; Burdeos, G.C.; Nakagawa, K.; ...
Territorial governance, therefore, becomes the key order for LAEFS to make advances in food transition. From a LAEFS standpoint, the territory (city-region, bioregion) constitutes a reflexive and proactive actor whose governance framework protects the above-mentioned values at the expense of vested...
Active edible films based on corn starch containing glycerol as a plasticizer and an olive extract obtained from Spanish olive fruit (Olea europaea) by-products (olive extract; OE) at different concentrations (0, 0.05, 0.1 and 0.2 wt%) were prepared by using the casting technique and further ...