We discuss the potential interactions among travel (dispersal and gene flow), bacterial "sex" (mainly as horizontal gene transfer), and food (metabolic plasticity and responses to nutrient availability) in shaping microbial communities. With regard to our work at a unique desert oasis, the Cuatro...
While I think the survivalist ethic is fairly self-explanatory, the relational ethic embraces complex kinships with other humans and also the non-human world, beginning with the Land from which we all come. A custodial ethic is born of this complex understanding of relationality – how we are...
Improving food consumption patterns is necessary to promote health beginning with children in the early elementary school grades. This study indicates opportunities for improving the food consumption pattern of schoolchildren in NYC. For example, environmental and policy approaches can be used to increase...
A tasting menu of vivid flavor descriptions. Milk that's blinky. Tea that's brisk. And meat that's well-hung.
Beginning with preserving agents and other food additives a great many of the pesticides and contaminants are determined by the use of GC, capillary GC, GC/MS, AAS and other methods. The analytical background to these exercises is the introduction into the methods of AAS, capillary GC, ...
It’s customary to to dress in white (I told John I feel like a stay-puff marshmallow) and enjoy nature, especially decorating the home with tons of flowers and wearing flowers in a wreath around your head (again, the cute young people) as it’s the beginning of summer and the Old ...
utilizing more traditional materials in new ways. Materials, however, are just the beginning. Researchers have developed new processes that allow the creation of objects that were previously impossible to print and, on a larger scale, new building typologies are being tested - including a Mars ...
On the other hand, in Syria, the sub-national trends were all similar in terms of relative changes in the affected population, with a general upward trend affecting almost every province beginning in July 2020. In the governorates of Yemen, for which the longest time series are available, ...
SCP has a long and varied history, beginning before the World Wars and continuing into the late and mid 20th century73,74. However, most projects were discontinued in the face of rising energy costs and the success of the green revolution, although some legacies remain75. One of the first ...
It is unprecedented when a newly minted chef-owner realizes his operation is all about the people involved including employees, guests, suppliers, vendors and the surrounding community. Chef Aaron Silverman knew this right from the beginning. I am a huge fan and his Sturgeon with Beets was so ...