Using a food-based approach that presents dietary guidelines to people with diabetes as simple, practical, action-orientated advice will aid compliance. Dietary advice given to people with diabetes needs to be consistent. The responsibility of providing training of other health care professionals should...
Food-based dietary guidelines (FBDGs) have been developed to promote healthy diets and prevent chronic diseases. However, the methodological quality of Spanish FBDGs has not been systematically assessed yet. The objective of this review is to identify and assess the methodological quality of Spanish...
An analysis of methods used to synthesize evidence and grade recommendations in food-based dietary guidelines Evidence-informed guideline development methods underpinned by systematic reviews ensure that guidelines are transparently developed, free from overt bias,... B Phillipa,Duro Solange,CE Naude,.....
Recently, the concept of food-based dietary guidelines has been introduced by WHO and FAO. For this concept, several assumptions were necessary. The validity and potential consequences of some of these assumptions are discussed in this paper on the basis of the Dutch National Food Consumption Surve...
Globally, it is recommended that each child and each adult consume 720–960 g (3–4 cups) and 480–720 g (2–3 cups) of dairy foods daily, respectively [33,82]. Benin has food-based dietary guidelines which include a 100–200 g of dairy foods, but such is inaccessible in Ghana [...
the cost of purchasing the least expensive locally available foods to meet requirements for energy and food-based dietary guidelines. The affordability of that diet (cost relative to income) is one of three food security indicators alongside the prevalence of undernourishment and the percentage of the...
Food-Based Dietary Guidelines of Southeast Asian Countries: Part 2 - Analysis of Pictorial Food Guides Malaysian Journal of NutritionFlorentino R. F.Tee E. S.Hardinsyah R.Ismail M. N.Suthutvoravut U.Hop L. T.
Objectives: The South African food-based dietary guidelines (FBDG) were developed and implemented to promote healthy lifestyles in the population along with preventing non-communicable diseases and other forms of diet-related illness. The FBDG were recommended for implementation within the national ...
The objective of this study was to derive food-based dietary guidelines for the Dutch population. The dietary guidelines are based on 29 systematic reviews of English language meta-analyses in PubMed summarizing randomized controlled trials and prospecti
Food-based dietary guidelines (FBDGs) are the practicable and culturally appropriate translation of nutrition requirements for healthy populations. A centrepiece of political strategies for healthy eating, FBDGs also have the potential to guide the public on the environmental impact of diet. Indeed, it...