2010. Food waste within food supply chains: quantification and potential for change to 2050. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 365(1554): 3065–3081. Article Google Scholar Xu, F., Li, Y., Ge, X., et al. 2018. Anaerobic digestion of food waste—...
Food and Bioprocess Technology is a multidisciplinary journal covering all aspects of the engineering and science of food processing technologies, from the original food supply source to the consumer's dinner table. The journal reviews technologies for ripeness, quality, damage, disease assessment, and...
Additionally, deforestation both contributes to the emission of GHGs and removes a source of carbon storage that trees provide. Using the categories identified by Xu et al. (2021), Fig. 23.3 illustrates sources of GHG in the beef supply chain. Significant among these is environmental impact of ...
"To fill the supply gap, the international community needs to work together to seek diversified food supplies, and maintain the smooth operation of agricultural trade internationally," he said, adding that "it is important to bring back to the international market agricultural products and fertilizers...
Rice is a major source of greenhouse gas emissions and nitrogen pollution. This study evaluated 49 best management practices globally, identifying grid-specific adaptation measures. It highlights the need for region-specific strategies and advanced modelling to sustain food security, mitigate climate chang...
and influence to help positively impact our planet, in addition to animals and the people connected to our supply chain, especially when sourcing our priority commodities, which is where we believe we can have the greatest impact: beef, soy for chicken feed, fiber, palm oil, fish and coffee...
Fresh produce can be wasted at many stages of the food supply chain. A metamaterial sticker is developed based on sub-terahertz signals to detect fruit ripeness, which can be used to optimize distribution and for waste prevention. Subhajit Karmakar ...
Thus, climate change would result in pronounced pressures on Brazilian food production, itself accounting for a large component of economic activities in Brazil, and of the world's food supply sources. 2.3. Global economic change driving environmental degradation The Brazilian economy benefits from ...
hydrogen and carbon. source of proteins include legumes, meat, nuts, eggs, milk and green vegetables. vitamins vitamins are essential for the metabolic activity of a body. they are broken down into vitamin e and vitamin c as nutrients. inadequate supply of vitamins would lead to diseases such...
To feed the world's 8 billion people, the international community should promote free trade and keep food trade flowing smoothly, with a particular focus on resolving the disruptions in the food supply chain caused by the Ukraine crisis as soon as possible, said Tang Jian, a vice professor fr...