Food and Nutrition Unit 3 Food Technology Tonja Bolding Lakeside High School Revised 2008 3.1 Define terms related to food technology 1. conservation - protecting the environment and natural resources against waste and harm 2. contaminant – an undesirable substance that unintentionally gets into food...
全国技工院校公共课教材2English新模式英语English新模式英语UNIT 3Food and NutritionAugustins RestaurantDo we need carrots?At the supermarketLocate items in a supermarket Read a menu Make a shopping listA healthy dietFollowing instructionsReviewTeam Project Plan meals Read recipesUNIT 3Augustin’s Restaurant...
应用型大学英语综合教程Level3第三版Unit 2 Food and Nutrition.ppt,Part 5 After You Read Reading Skills Good readers make notes about the information when reading a passage, which helps them pay attention to and remember some important information. Some us
联合国粮农组织:2019年世界粮食安全和营养状况报告English___The_State_of_Food_Security_and_Nutrition_2019_-_Full_Report 热度: 食品科学与营养百科全书-Encyclopedia of Food Science and Nutrition-part3 热度: 食品科学与营养百科全书-Encyclopedia of Food Science and Nutrition-part2 ...
Prevention Preparation: Cont. Don’t eat pink ground beef Don’t eat raw eggs (even cookie dough!) Always wash items after they come in contact with raw meat Never placed cooked food on plate that held raw meat Wash fruits and vegetables ...
unit 4-food & nutrition 第四单元《营养》UnitFourFoodandNutrition ForeignLanguageDepartmentofZZCAH Contents 1 23 PartOneBackgroundIntroduction PartTwoIn-classReading PartThreeExercises 郑州牧专外语系 PartOneBackgroundIntroduction Anappleadaykeepsthedoctoraway.Youarewhatyoueat.Theidiom“Youarewhatyoueat....
《食品专业英语》5食品专业英语课件5-food chemistry and nutrition.pptx,English for Food Speciality;Food Basics: Nutritional Elements of Food;Introduction;;Nutritional Elements of Food;;Fats: They contain fatty acids and glycerol. If a molecule of fat has a
Unit3 Food and NutritionLesson 4 A healthy diet教学设计 一、教学背景 授课教师 授课课时 2课时 教材分析 本课教学内容选自中国劳动社会保障出版社出版的全国技工院校公共基础课程教材《新模式英语 2(第二版)》unit3单元。通过教材前3节课单元的学习,使学生掌握表达食物中最为实用的英语语言技能,并在听、说、读...
TextI: Food and Nutrition TextIIAre traditional health foods useful today? 授课学时 8 教学 目的 1.Ss can read about calorie postings in fast-food restaurants 2.Ss can read about food and health in ancient documents and modern science 3.Ss can use words and expressions to talk about calorie...
Topics in nutrition and food science:营养和食品科学的主题.ppt,Mechanisms hypoglycemic effects : by stimulating glucose-dependent insulin secretion from pancreatic β-cells. by inhibiting the activities of α-amylase and sucrase. LIPID-LOWERING EFFECTS.