Besides therapy, antimicrobial drugs have been also used in poultry production for other purposes, such as metaphylaxis, i.e., the prophylactic treatment of the entire flock including animals that show no clinical sign of the disease in order to prevent the spread of a given disease, or as ...
Drugs and theft have become a problem, primarily in large metropolitan areas. In small communities, shame is still a powerful mechanism of social control, Vineyards above the upper Douro River. This region produces port, a major export. and throughout the country, parents use shame to ...
The absence of regulation carries over to prescription drugs, which are often improperly dispensed by pharmacies. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), along with international and Somali nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), provide much of the health ...
Might Kojo Abreh, at the Institute for Educational Planning and Administration in Ghana, explains the findings from a survey of caterers, schools and students which found that some children are going hungry. If you would like to get in touch with the show, please email:
During the subsequent settlement and administration of the surrounding area by the Portuguese, Governor Alfonso de Albuquerque, who conquered the city of Goa in 1510, encouraged his countrymen to marry Indian women to help establish Portuguese authority. The offspring of those marriages were known as...
problems in maintaining food safety, namely: (1) the food contained filth, decay, decomposition or other substances; (2), the food contained toxic and harmful substances (e.g., suspected melamine, chemical insecticides, or lead); and (3) the food contained agricultural and veterinary drugs. ...
Veterinary drugs are one common class of residues produced as a result of their use for prevention of specific diseases. Chloramphenicol, nitroimidazole, sulphonamides, fluoroquinolone, or tetracycline are a few examples of the antibiotics that can be retained in RJ [5,109,110]. Another important ...
Li et al. firstly reported that the acute LD50 of glucose–cysteine MRPs in rats was 6.81 g/kg, and repeated 90-day administration of less than, or equal to, one-fifth LD50 produced no significant toxicities in experimental animals [33]. Consequently, MR is considered as a promising and ...
Michela Grosso 2 , Andrea Salvo 1 , Cinzia Ingallina 1 , Mariateresa Russo 3, Alberto Ritieni 4,5,* and Luisa Mannina 1 1 Laboratory of Food Chemistry, Department of Chemistry and Technologies of Drugs, Sapienza University of Rome, 00185 Rome, Italy; (G.D...