A drink or beverage is a liquid intended for human consumption. In addition to their basic function of satisfying thirst, drinks play important roles in human culture. Contents Food and Drinks Vocabulary Types of Food Meat, Poultry & Seafood Fast Food Fruits Vegetables Types of Meals Breakfast ...
1、 北师大版英语一年级下册food and drinklesson 1教案 教学内容:unit 9 fook and drink lesson 1教学目标 :1.can listen read and say the vocabulary:hambulary,french fries,pizza,chickin,juice,milk, icecream,rice,noodles.2.to get the drills:what do you like?i like.教学目标的检测途径 1把图片...
This page contains words for food and drink that are cognate in all or some of the six modern Celtic languages. Click on the English versions that are links and you will be taken to the Celtiadur, where you can see what each word means, and how some of them are pronounced. There are...
北师大版小学一年级英语下册《Food and drink》教材分析与设计(4课时).pdf,北师大版小学一年级英语下册 《Food and drink》教材分析与 设计 (4课时) Lesson1 教学目标 : 1.Can listen \read and say the vocabulary:hamburg,french fries,pizza,chicken,juice,mi
How do you say a drink in French? The generic name for a drink is “une boisson“. With a b, hein, not a p like “un poisson” 🤣 Let’s go over the French drink vocabulary. Drinks names in French L’eau (f) water De l’eau plate flat water De l’eau gazeuse sparkling wat...
fast food (noun): quickly served food like burgers, French fries, fried chicken, etc. - I only get fast food if I don't have time to cook. flavour (or flavor in US spelling) (noun): the taste of food or drink - Japanese people think how food looks is as important as the flavour...
a drink les frites French fries le crêpe pancake la farine flour le citron lemon le citron vert lime le sucre sugar Flickr創作共用圖片 此學習集所使用的部分圖片,已透過Flickr.com取得創作共用授權。 點擊以查看擁有完全授權的原創作品。 le café ...
Module 1 Food and drinks(通用3篇) Module 1 Food and drinks 篇1 module 3 food and drinks unit 1 shopping at the supermarket shop商店 drink饮料;喝 need需要 fridge冰箱 list清单;列表;名单 coffee咖啡 butter黄油;牛油 cheese奶酪;芝士 chocolate巧克力 vegetable蔬菜 juice(水果)汁,液 pineapple菠萝;凤梨...
Multiple-choice quiz that tests vocabulary covered on EnglishClub's page about French food and eating out at French restaurants. For ESL learners and teachers.
For learners of Russian, getting the food and drink vocabulary down is essential if you want to be able to participate in Russian life. We have compiled a list of the most used words. Breakfast Foods Russian breakfast can be hot or cold and is usually a sandwich, fried eggs, or kasha—...