They didn’t have any dogs or cats, which would have been a deal-breaker for over a week’s stay: I don’t have problems with most dogs or cats for a short period of time due to allergy shots, but over a longer stay I wanted to minimize problems. We affectionately called this trip...
This helps identify the food allergy. Avoid high-risk food situations (like buffets) where accidental food ingestion can occur. Ask your doctor for a written emergency management plan. Share this plan with your child’s teachers. Inform others that your child is carrying an EpiPen. Always wear...
Ensure your medication is easily accessible throughout the flight; for example, place it in the seat pocket or on your person. Please also advise the cabin crew and people seated next to you of your allergy, where you have placed the medication and what to do in an emergency. Our c...
Anaphylaxis occurs as the result of an allergy affecting more than one body system at the same time, such as the skin and respiratory systems. Anaphylaxis comes on quickly and is a medical emergency requiring immediate care. Symptoms of Anaphylaxis Atopic Dermatitis Also known as atopic eczema, ...
Ensure your medication is easily accessible throughout the flight; for example, place it in the seat pocket or on your person. Please also advise the cabin crew and people seated next to you of your allergy, where you have placed the medication and what to do in an emergency. ...
Creation of a concise written emergency management plan (, copies of which should be available in appropriate places (eg, daycare, schools, work locations, and college dormitory advisors) Epinephrine autoinjector for every food allergic patient who may have anaphylaxis to be ...
Bring a kit with all your medications, including extra epinephrine auto-injectors. Do this no matter how far from home you plan to be. Also bring extra copies of your Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan. If you’re traveling with other people, make sure someone knows where to fi...
such as myself. There is also highly refined peanut oil, which shouldn’t contain the protein that creates the IgE reaction in those people with the allergy. However, your doctor can best inform you whether you should refrain from ingesting either form of peanut oil, depending upon your speci...
Starting school is a big step for any child, but it can be even more challenging if your child has a food allergy. We help you prepare your child for school
Ensure your medication is easily accessible throughout the flight; for example, place it in the seat pocket or on your person. Please also advise the cabin crew and people seated next to you of your allergy, where you have placed the medication and what to do in an emergency. ...