最后说一句,这种播放增益,对mp3、wav、flac(整轨文件需要有cue,否则效果不好)都生效;mp4a这种我没试过留待网友自己尝试;dsd格式音频(sacd-iso、dsf、dff)没用,所以你的歌单列表要把dsd都放到一起才能提升听歌体验。最后祝大家使用顺利,听的开心。 xubosu 石耳 2 谢谢楼主科普,明天试试怎么个弄法。 花儿已经 ...
6、Click OK button into Preferences window. Restart foobar2000. 7、Open .iso (be sure, that it is SACD ISO) or .dsf file into the player. 8、Push Playback button. 直接下载component:https://sourceforge.net/projects/sacddecoder/files/latest/download 最终安装的components如下图: foobar2000 v1...
请问ios上foobar2000如何播放SACD的iso? 蜡笔老新sz 不知道ios上怎么装插件 蜡笔老新sz 2-16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 下一页> 尾页 共有主题数10209个,贴子数 243139篇个性音符数70556 皇冠身份 发贴红色标题 显示红名 签到六倍经验 兑换本吧会员 赠送补签卡1张,获得[经验书购买权] 扫二维...
Install specialized codecs to play any video and audio file, with Satsuki Decoder Pack Convert SACD ISO images to MP3 audio, easily If Foobar2000 context menu to play or enqueue folders disappeared View and Edit HTML code in Thunderbird easily with ThunderHTMLedit addon Remove the curre...
求教:sacd iso怎么用foobar转出dff或dsf文件?求大神赐教。 hery15 石耳 2 sacd iso提取dff(sacd extract GUI)http://www.opdown.com/soft/90115.html 姿柔淡定有钱剩 火电加持 13 转不了的,需要一个解包小工具才能提取出dff/dsf/dst等,而且提取完之后你会发现体积大了一倍有多!!! 双鱼jdl 火电加持...
用foobar2000重放SACD时,遇到二种不同的情况,播放DSD的sacd时foobar2000左下方显示的框内数字稳定不变;而播放DST的sacd时foobar2000左下方显示的框内数字反复波动,而且数值降低较多。见下图如果把DST的sacd的ISO文件用 sacd_extract 提取出DFF音轨(必须勾选“convert DST to DSD”选项),再用foobar2000重放此音轨,则...
Maxim Anisiutkin was kind enough to quickly release an interim version of the SACD plugin/DSD Processor to enable a flexible PCM to DSD conversion. https://sourceforge.net/projects/sacddecoder/files/interim/ Now the DSD Processor can be selected in a DSP chain; previously enabling the PCM t...
Howdy For those that are using the foo_dsd_asio and foo_input_sacd plugings from the http://sourceforge.net/projects/sacddecoder project, he has reverted to 0.6.4. The 0.7.1 version had problems transitioning from DSD …
Super Audio CD Decoder - Browse /foo_input_sacd at SourceForge.net Super Audio CD Decoder input plugin for foobar2000. Decoder is capable of playing back Super Audio CD ISO images, DSDIFF, DSF and DSD WavPack files.… sourceforge.net That's the only two you will need to download (...