We have successfully integrated the font files into our project. Now we need to link them so we’ll be able to use them in any files inside the project. To do that, run the following command: npx react-native-asset Once the assets have been successfully linked, you should see the follo...
import { ButtonProps, Button as RNUIButton } from "react-native-ui-lib" import { COLORS } from "../common/styles"; import { useMemo } from "react"; interface Props { label: string; @@ -12,12 +13,12 @@ interface Props { export function Button(props: Props & ButtonProps): JSX....
[TypeError: Cannot read property 'uri' of null] 2024-08-09 07:08:44.992 22864-22910 unknown:ReactNative com.ecglobal.ecglobalapp E TypeError: Cannot read property 'uri' of null, stack: fromModule@1:825155 getAssetForSource@1:2081921 ?anon_0_@1:2079721 asyncGeneratorStep@1:702634 _next@...
对我来说非常有效。我在一个React Native应用程序中使用的Google字体,原本大小为4.8MB,现在缩小到了40KB。- Reez0 酷,Material Icon字体从808KB压缩到12KB。- Martinedo 17 使用谷歌网络字体,您可以限制字符集如下: //fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=FontName&text=Lorem%20Ipsum ...
React Native useful resources Cool react native resources that can help you create interesting products Partners Here are some of the partners we are working with and use our service. SELL PRODUCTS Earn 85% and more on all sales + SUBMIT ...
expo install @expo-google-fonts/nothing-you-could-do expo-font expo-app-loading Now add code like this to your project importReact,{useState,useEffect}from'react';import{Text,View,StyleSheet}from'react-native';importAppLoadingfrom'expo-app-loading';import{useFonts,NothingYouCouldDo_400Regular}fro...
Lets tackle Google's Material Design first, the thing you need to do is go to to the Material Design website. On this website you can look through the different icons. So in the second row of icons you should see a picture of the android. Click on it and you will see at the bott...
Once you’ve found a font you like and transferred it to the correct directory, all you have to do is copy the code below: importFelgo3.0importQtQuick2.0App{FontLoader{id:customfontsource:"Airstream.ttf"}AppText{text:"Here's my custom font"font.family:customfont.namefont.pixelSize:48}}...
We can use theCSS font loading APIto detect when our web font has loaded. Why that?Typekit’s web font loaderwas once one of the more popular ways to do it and, while it’s tempting to continue using it or similar libraries, we need to consider the following: ...
To use Google Fonts with Expo, you first need to install theexpo-fontpackage. This package provides a simple interface for loading fonts into your Expo app. yarn add expo-font Once you have installed theexpo-fontpackage, you can start using Google Fonts in your Expo app. To do this, you...