说到Fontana Arte,很多人可能会想到那款极简风格的台灯。这款灯最初在 1954 年由法国著名的玻璃制造大师 Max Ingrand 设计,最初命名为 1853,后来更名为 Fontana,以纪念这位大师担任艺术总监十年的公司。对于设计爱好者和品牌历史鉴赏家来说,1853 至今仍是一个绰号。Fontana 的设计灵感来源于光和颜色,Max Ingrand ...
凭借对灯具艺术的不懈追求,FONTANA ARTE 成就了自己的经典照明品牌的地位。1. 公司诞生史 1881 - 意大利水晶与玻璃制造商 Luigi Fontana & Co. 诞生。1931 - 意大利建筑大师Gio Ponti受邀担任Luigi Fontana & Co. 艺术总监。1932 - 在 Gio Ponti 和 Luigi Fontana(玻璃制品巨头)、Pietro Chiesa(玻璃大师)的...
DIFFUSER FOR FONTANA 1853 LARGEMax Ingrand €1,075.00 Buy now Max Ingrand A famous French master glass worker and decorator, he was artistic director of FontanaArte for one decade, starting from 1954. During that time, he came up with true design classics, such as the Fontana table lamp,...
Change language & locale FontanaArte EN_US FontanaArte srl Via Monte Bianco 2/a 20149 Milano (MI), ItaliaCAPITALE SOCIALE EURO 500.000 I.V. P. IVA IT 09632850963Country / Language This online store is only available in the countries listed below. Do you live in another country? Find th...
🎨 一件手工吹制的玻璃花瓶,灵感源自1954年Max Ingrand设计的Fontana Arte abat-jour,型号1853。这款花瓶不仅是对那个时代的致敬,还完美地复刻了原作的细腻之美。🌸 以乳白色磨砂玻璃打造的Fontana花瓶,以其雅致而简约的设计,为空间增添了一份别致的装点。它不仅可作为独特的花瓶,还能作为茶灯烛台,为空间注入温...
A famous French master glass worker and decorator, he was artistic director of FontanaArte for one decade, starting from 1954. During that time, he came up with true design classics, such as the Fontana table lamp, still one of the best selling products for the company that bears its name...
FONTANA ARTE | 经典又现代的玻璃灯具艺术 意大利灯具品牌 FONTANA ARTE 由 Luigi Fontana 和 Gio Ponti 创立于1932年,是一家专门从事玻璃加工和创意家具的设计公司。 品牌擅长制造曲面玻璃和照明设备,多年来,其结合经典与现代的风格已成为意大利设计的典范。
Privacy Policy World of Fontana Company Contract Division Designers News Catalogues Contact Us Contacts Careers & Project Change language & locale Fontanaarte EN FontanaArte srl Via Monte Bianco 2/a 20149 Milano (MI), ItaliaCAPITALE SOCIALE EURO 500.000 I.V. P. IVA IT 09632850963...