font style: italic and bold File: Style.css BOOK { display:block; margin-top:12pt; font-size:10pt } TITLE { font-style:italic } AUTHOR { font-weight:bold } File: Data.xml <?xml version="1.0"?> <?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="Style.css"?> <INVENTORY> <BOOK> <TITLE>ti...
XHTML的em标签,在多数浏览器中也是显示了斜体,这是没有必要的,因为em标签本身是强调的意思. 真正符合标准网页设计的显示斜体文字的方法是使用font-style:italic; CSS属性. 由于有一些字体本身没有斜体样式,所以有时斜体显示将被忽略. }
font-style:normal; } p.italic{ font-style:italic; } p.oblique{ font-style:oblique; } Try it Yourself » Font Weight Thefont-weightproperty specifies the weight of a font: Example p.normal{ font-weight:normal; } p.thick{ font-weight:bold; ...
CSS3 字体描述符font-style ormalitalicoblique可选。定义字体的样式。默认是 "normal"。font-weight normalbold100200300400500600700800900可选。定义字体的粗细。默认是 "normal"。unicode-range unicode-range 可选。定义字体支持的 UNICODE 字符范围。默认是 "U+0-10FFFF"。CSS3 文本效果...
font 表示定义的是字体,italic 代表斜体,bold 代表加粗,16px/30px 指的是字号16px,行距30px
CSS Font CSS gives you great control over the way your text is displayed. You can change the text size, color, style, and more. You probably already knew how to make text bold or underlined, but did you know you could resize your font using percentages? Let us begin the lesson with ...
CSS中font-style的斜体属性Italicoblique的区别 要搞清楚这个问题,⾸先要明⽩字体是怎么回事。⼀种字体有粗体、斜体、下划线、删除线等诸多属性。但是并不是所有字体都做了这些,⼀些不常⽤的字体,或许就只有个正常体,如果你⽤Italic,就没有效果了~这时候你就要⽤Oblique.可以理解成Italic是使⽤⽂...
/* Set the font weight to bold, the font-style to italic, the font size to large, and the font family to serif. */ p { font: bold italic large serif } /* Use the same font as the status bar of the window */ p { font: status-bar } Live sample HTML内容 1 2 3 4 5 6 ...