font-size: var(--text-base);/* 1rem (16px) */line-height: var(--text-base--line-height);/* calc(1.5 / 1) */ text-lg font-size: var(--text-lg);/* 1.125rem (18px) */line-height: var(--text-lg--line-height);/* calc(1.75 / 1.125) */ ...
不知道大家有没有用过tailwind,它用来控制字体大小的功能类是下图这样的,设置font-size的同时还设置了line-height,第一次用的时候很迷茫,为啥这俩要一块儿写,我就单纯的想设置一下字号呀,但了解之后发现,这俩彼此的关系不一般, tailwind 1. line-height与font-size 对于非替换元素的纯内联元素,其可视高度完全由...
Transform your design workflow and save a ton of time with the Tailwind Font Size Generator plugin for Figma! This intuitive plugin allows you to seamlessly generate font sizes and font styles using the default Tailwind CSS font scale, ensuring your designs stay consistent and aligned with the po...
根据需要选择其他的功能插件,例如:Babel, Router, Vuex, CSS Pre-processors, Linter。
A plugin for Tailwind CSS that provides utilities for fluid font sizes - olets/tailwindcss-fluid-font-size
font-size rem soelen •1.3.0•2 years ago•2dependents•MITpublished version1.3.0,2 years ago2dependentslicensed under $MIT 10,803 tailwindcss-base-font-size A Tailwind CSS plugin to set the base font size in proportion to Tailwind's default utility values. ...
// tailwind.config.js module.exports = { corePlugins: { // ... + fontFamily: false, } } ← Max-HeightFont Size→ On this page Class reference Sans-serif Serif Monospaced Responsive Customizing Font Families Responsive and pseudo-class variants Disabling Beautiful UI components by the creators...
The default size should be reduced from 16px to 12px. (but this would at least be configurable now) Most other text (see below) should only be -lg or -sm, with only a couple variations of weight. This first commit changes the font sizes in Tailwind config, applies the new ...
在渲染导航栏的时候。已经设置ul的字体大小了。为什么li总是继承html的fontsize呢在这里输入代码昨夜西风凋碧树8060990 2022-12-28 15:53:27 源自:6-5 动态 rem 基准+修正 tailwind,完善移动端navigationBar 261 分享 收起 2回答 Sunday 2022-12-28 16:01:05 你好 css 具备向上继承的特性。你需要确定 li ...
tailwindcss css postcss plugin font fontSize font size font-size base base fontSize base font size base-font-size rem cedericprivat •1.0.1•a year ago•0dependents•MITpublished version1.0.1,a year ago0dependentslicensed under $MIT ...