// tailwind.config.jsmodule.exports={theme:{fontSize:{-'xs':'.75rem',-'sm':'.875rem',+'tiny':'.875rem','base':'1rem','lg':'1.125rem','xl':'1.25rem','2xl':'1.5rem',-'3xl':'1.875rem',-'4xl':'2.25rem','5xl':'3rem','6xl':'4rem',+'7xl':'5rem',}}} ...
Transform your design workflow and save a ton of time with the Tailwind Font Size Generator plugin for Figma! This intuitive plugin allows you to seamlessly generate font sizes and font styles using the default Tailwind CSS font scale, ensuring your designs stay consistent and aligned with the po...
不知道大家有没有用过tailwind,它用来控制字体大小的功能类是下图这样的,设置font-size的同时还设置了line-height,第一次用的时候很迷茫,为啥这俩要一块儿写,我就单纯的想设置一下字号呀,但了解之后发现,这俩彼此的关系不一般, tailwind 1. line-height与font-size 对于非替换元素的纯内联元素,其可视高度完全由...
根据需要选择其他的功能插件,例如:Babel, Router, Vuex, CSS Pre-processors, Linter。
font-size fluid minimum maximum min-size max-size philippkuehn published1.1.0•8 years agopublished version1.1.0,8 years ago M Q P Maintenance: None.Quality: 60%.Popularity: 2%. tailwindcss-font-size Tailwind CSS plugin to add font-size property in px and rem ...
A plugin for Tailwind CSS that provides utilities for fluid font sizes - olets/tailwindcss-fluid-font-size
The default size should be reduced from 16px to 12px. (but this would at least be configurable now) Most other text (see below) should only be -lg or -sm, with only a couple variations of weight. This first commit changes the font sizes in Tailwind config, applies the new ...
If you don't plan to use thefont familyutilities in your project, you can disable them entirely by setting thefontFamilypropertytofalsein thecorePluginssection of your config file: // tailwind.config.jsmodule.exports = {corePlugins:{// ...+fontFamily:false,}} ←Max-HeightFont Size→...
y = $(window).height(); $('#testing').css("fontSize", "50px"); $('#testing').css("fontSize", "10px");还可以与css 浏览4提问于2014-02-28得票数 0 回答已采纳 1回答 TailwindCSS -添加fontSize 如果我在下面添加fontSize,文本-7XL不会显示为新的可选值,而文本-6XL将消失。Bebas Kai...
可设置的属性是(按顺序): "font-style font-variant font-weight font-size/line-height font-family"font-size和font-family的值是必需的。如果缺少了其他值,默认值将被插入,如果有默认值的话。注意: line - height属性设置行与行之间的空间。默认值: not specified 继承: yes 版本: CSS1 JavaScript 语法: ...