The font-size CSS property sets the size of the font. Changing the font size also updates the sizes of the font size-relative <length> units, such as em, ex, and so forth.
The font-style CSS property sets whether a font should be styled with a normal, italic, or oblique face from its font-family.
cssCopy to Clipboard /* A font family name and a generic family name */ font-family: "Gill Sans Extrabold", sans-serif; font-family: "Goudy Bookletter 1911", sans-serif; /* A generic family name only */ font-family: serif; font-family: sans-serif; font-family: monospace; font-fami...
The font-feature-settings CSS property gives you control over advanced typographic features in OpenType fonts.
font-size: $max-font-size; } } 只要两个@media其实就够了。对于不在媒体查询范围内的,只需要设置一个默认值就行了。但是,要注意的是,这个默认值一定要写在两个媒体查询规则的前面。否则,会由于 CSS 的层叠的特性,后声明的样式会覆盖掉先声明的样式,从而导致媒体查询规则不起作用。
font-size on W3C font-size on MDN Font Size Idea: px at the Root, rem for Components, em for Text Elements The Lengths of CSS Why Ems? Viewport sized typography Precise control over responsive typography Psst!Create a DigitalOcean account and get$200 in free creditfor cloud-based hosting ...
2、制定最大和最小的font-size,屏幕大小小于最小的屏幕宽度值的时候,应用最小的font-size,反之,应用最大的font-size; OK,计划制定好了,那么,应该如何实施呢?我们需要用到哪些技术呢? 其实要用到的技术不多,只是,我们需要把脑子转一下。 @media:CSS Level 3 提供的媒体查询,只要做过响应式,或者任何适应屏幕...
<style media="screen, print"> @font-face { font-family: "Bitstream Vera Serif Bold"; src: url(""); } body { font-family: "Bitstream Vera Serif Bold", serif; } </style> </head> <body> This is Bitstream Vera Serif Bold...
See the level of support here: It's now very easy to control: .module h2 { font-size: 1em; container-name: sidebar } @container sidebar (min-width: 700px) { .module h2 { font-size: 2em; } } Run code snippet Expand snippet ...
See the level of support here: It's now very easy to control: .module h2 { font-size: 1em; container-name: sidebar } @container sidebar (min-width: 700px) { .module h2 { font-size: 2em; } } Run code snippet Expand snippet ...