A free, open source set of 150 elegant, pixel-perfect linear icons fromMobirise Web Builder. Try it, maybe it's something you need for your next awesome project! Available as web icon font and SVG icons, in 16px, 24px, and 30px grid, 7 categories. ...
Tons of newDuotone icons and stylesjust released. Go Pro to get them all - plus tons of other goodies - before prices go up! Get Font Awesome Pro Version 6.7.2 53,663 Pro Icons 68 Categories 2,060 Free Icons Icons. Easy. Done. ...
Dribble provides the “Feather,” which includes over 200 icons categorized into eight categories, and these icons are completely free. Offering these eight categories makesit easy for you to find the ones that are the most relevant to your project. So, you can download the list and start usi...
The easiest way to get icons on your website is with a Kit. It's your very own custom version of Font Awesome, all bundled up with only the icons, tools, and settings you need. Enter your email toget startedwith a free Kit!
10.Heydings Icons 图标数量:60.许可协议:Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported. 11.Heydings Controls(App Icon Font) 图标数量:110.许可协议:Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported. 12.JustVector Social Icons Font 图标数量:62.许可协议:Free Art License.
Font Icons specially created for web development, with more than 6 different styles and easy Framework integration likeBootstrap 4orSemantic Iphone - General font icons Premium Full Pack(Full: all source files and all PNG sizes) Free Full Pack(Includes up to 72px PNG. Source files not included...
fa fa-fonticons  尝试一下 fa fa-fort-awesome  尝试一下 fa fa-forumbee  尝试一下 fa fa-forward  尝试一下 fa fa-foursquare  尝试一下 fa fa-free-code-camp  尝试一下 fa fa-frown-o  尝试一下 fa fa-futbol-o &#...
This icons are based on font awesome free icons version 5.15.0 This does not support pro icons yet. Please reach out if you want to use pro icons in compose. FontAwesome Icon unlike material icon may not be exact square shape. Some icon may be rectangular. ...
You're entitled to free updates to all of the icons and tech that came with your Font Awesome 5's Kickstarter rewards. If there are new or updated icons added to our Font Awesome 5 solid, regular, light, or duotone styles - you'll get them. I Kickstarted or Pre-ordered Font Aweso...
The Apple font was designed bySusan Kare, a renowned graphic designer who worked at Apple in the early years of the company. She is known for her work on Macintosh icons and fonts, as well as othergraphic design projects. Kare’s contributions to the development of the Apple brand are sig...