If you are using the “SVG” icons, you will require a new CDN link to the CSS/JavaScript file. It is mandatory to include this to make things work. You just have to ensure that only the latest link should be there, and there are no old CDN links on your page. It is simple to ...
1 line of code… 53,000+ icons. Don't download, install, manage, or publish icon files– our Kits CDN does it all for you. Create a free account and get your very own Font Awesome Kit to start your first project. Enter your email to get started for Free!
完成本地字体配置和 web fonts 配置之后,可以在本地直接粘贴 Font Awesome 上面的图标。Font Awesome 的图标库:https://fontawesome.com/icons 由于只能用免费的 Solid, Regular, Brands 三个类型的图标,所以可以在左侧直接筛选对应的类型。选择所需的图标,点击 Copy Unicode Glyph 的按钮即可复制图标。随后可以...
Font Awesome CDN helps you automate accessibility support more easily so your icons work for the most people possible. Read up on ouraccessibility best practices. Async your icons Want to speed up your page loads? So do we. Have your icons load in the background so your site loads faster....
Font Awesome 的图标库:https://fontawesome.com/icons 由于只能用免费的 Solid, Regular, Brands 三个类型的图标,所以可以在左侧直接筛选对应的类型。选择所需的图标,点击 Copy Unicode Glyph 的按钮即可复制图标。随后可以在 Axure 内直接粘贴。 1. 另外的方法A ...
<link href="//netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.7.0/css/font-awesome.min.css" rel="stylesheet"> 当新版本发布时,BootstrapCDN需要一点时间来同步到最新版本。稍安勿躁 :) 参考示例,然后开始使用Font Awesome吧! 简单方式之一:使用默认CSS 如果您使用了默认的Bootstrap CSS样式,那么你可以使用这种...
<link href="//netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.7.0/css/font-awesome.min.css" rel="stylesheet"> 当新版本发布时,BootstrapCDN需要一点时间来同步到最新版本。稍安勿躁 :) 参考示例,然后开始使用Font Awesome吧! 简单方式之一:使用默认CSS 如果您使用了默认的Bootstrap CSS样式,那么你可以使用这种...
--Bootstrap--><linkhref="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/bootstrap@3.3.7/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css"rel="stylesheet"><!--HTML5 shim 和 Respond.js 是为了让 IE8 支持 HTML5 元素和媒体查询(media queries)功能--><!--警告:通过 file:// 协议(就是直接将 html 页面拖拽到浏览器中)访问页面...
The Icons The complete set of 361 icons in Font Awesome 3.2.1 Heads up!These docs are for v3.2.1, which is no longer officially supported.Check out the latest version of Font Awesome! You asked, Font Awesome delivers with 58 shiny new icons in version 3.2. Want to request new icons?
<link href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/bootstrap@3.3.7/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet"> <!-- HTML5 shim 和 Respond.js 是为了让 IE8 支持 HTML5 元素和媒体查询(media queries)功能 --> <!-- 警告:通过 file:// 协议(就是直接将 html 页面拖拽到浏览器中)访问页面时 Resp...