webfont icon 原文:http://www.zhihu.com/question/22022905/answer/20051701 其实网上已经有一大堆免费好用webfont icon,比如: IcoMoon App Ionicons: The premium icon font for Ionic Framework Fontello - icon fonts generator iconmoon -icon https://icomoon.io/app/#/select 怎么用 http://sc.chinaz.c...
Design on the desktop with our Figma component, icon fonts, and SVGs, or grab the files to self-host. The Web's Default Icon Set, Used on Over 200 Million Sites Icon Discovery Thesearethe icons you're looking for. Have you ever squandered hours scanning the dank, skeezy corners of the...
Know how to use the Font awesome custom icons for your website or app. Also, learn how to make your custom icons using the font excellent library.
Ever wonder what “spider-web” might look like in the mix? Well, you're in luck! We've cooked up some examples of how you could use the “spider-web” icon in your projects, whether they're apps, interfaces, or print designs. ...
which may result the shapes being a tiny bit less accurate. Then choose yourFile Format:for the web, pick WOFF and WOFF2.Remove Overlapis a good idea, just in case. ButAutohintmust be off for an icon font. (Read here why.). You can also choose theExport Destinationfor your font righ...
<divclass="icon">A</div> 那么上面的“A”字符代表的就是一个Icon,只不过我们需要把刚才得到字体运用上去: @font-face{font-family:'GuifxIcon';src:url('Guifx/guifx_v2_transports-webfont.eot');src:url('Guifx/guifx_v2_transports-webfont.eot?#iefix')format('embedded-opentype'),url('Guifx/guifx...
Webfont app requires Mac OS 10.12 or newer How it works Create a custom font in three simple steps Import your icons Create a project and add your vector icons. You can even import your existing font! Customize the font Customize each icon and give your font a name. ...
之前分享了使用cssSprite实现icon,这里再分享一个使用font-face实现icon,这个技术的主要特点如下: iconfront技术 技术说明:主要通过web字体实现webicon 技术点:@font-face 技术 特点: a、很好的兼容ie6以上以及其他主流浏览器 b、便于控制,相对于csssprit技术,可以任意放大修改图片的大小和颜色 ...
And now with Kit Icon Upload, they're also the most extendable. Just upload your icon into a kit of your choosing, and use it right away just like you use Font Awesome icons. While uploaded icons are web-centric now, we're planning to make kits a cornerstone for a lot more in ...
icon-double-angle-up icon-double-angle-down icon-circle-blank icon-circle icon-desktop icon-laptop icon-tablet icon-mobile-phone icon-quote-left icon-quote-right icon-reply icon-github-alt icon-folder-close-alt icon-folder-open-alt 适合Web 应用的图标 ...