Inter Font Family Description A sans-serif typeface designed for good legibility on screens at small text sizes Homepage: Supported Languages Unicode Blocks Inter Regular (Variable)Ver 3.019 𑁋 Modified at Sep 1, 2021 ...
h1{font-family:'Inter Variable',sans-serif;font-variation-settings:"wght"700,"ital"1,"opsz"48;} 在这个例子中,我们将可变字体‘Inter’设置为700字重、1倾斜度和48像素字号的标题字体。可以看到,通过font-variation-settings属性,我们可以方便地控制自定义字体的不同轴,实现更加细腻、灵活的排版效果。 首图...
font-family: 'Inter Variable', sans-serif; font-variation-settings: "wght" 700, "ital" 1, "opsz" 48; } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 在这个例子中,我们将可变字体‘Inter’设置为700字重、1倾斜度和48像素字号的标题字体。可以看到,通过font-variation-settings属性,我们可以方便地控制自定义字体的...
both traditional and computer significance, such as writing tools and hands, reading glasses, clipping scissors, bell, bomb, check boxes, as well as more traditional images such as weather signs, religious symbols, astrological signs, encircled numerals, a selection of ampersands and interrobangs,...
<linkrel="preconnect"href="https://your-font-file-host/"><linkrel="stylesheet"href="https://your-font-file-host/inter.css"> :root{font-family:'Inter',sans-serif; }@supports(font-variation-settings:normal) {:root{font-family:'Inter var',sans-serif; } } ...
both traditional and computer significance, such as writing tools and hands, reading glasses, clipping scissors, bell, bomb, check boxes, as well as more traditional images such as weather signs, religious symbols, astrological signs, encircled numerals, a selection of ampersands and interrobangs,...
font-family: Georgia, Cambria, "Times New Roman", Times, serif; } 1. 2. 3. 【最佳实践】等宽字体 每个字符在同等font-size下占据的宽度相同。一般是针对英文字体而言的,因为东亚字体都是等宽的。常用于呈现代码,IDE代码编辑器也推荐使用等宽字体。
The Inter font family version 4.0 The birth of Inter: How the new open-source typeface used by GitHub and Mozilla came to be The story behind Inter Typography: Because the internet is mostly made of words Inter Font Combinations & Similar Fonts ...
Bekaert — Typographic purpose with Interbrand and Monotype Typography Type trends. Brand Talks San Francisco 2023 Brand design Type Trends 2023 & How To Use Them. Type trends. Type design Brand design Global branding fonts Webinar: The science behind the emotional impact of type. ...
<linkrel="preconnect"href="https://your-font-file-host/"><linkrel="stylesheet"href="https://your-font-file-host/inter.css"> :root{font-family:'Inter',sans-serif; }@supports(font-variation-settings:normal) {:root{font-family:'Inter var',sans-serif; } } ...