其提供 Google 字体与本地托管双模式加载方案,结合 subsets 子集、axes 可变轴等配置等,构建出高效字体加载体系。实践中推荐采用 CSS 变量全局管理,优先使用可变字体减少文件体积,配合子集化加载进一步优化性能。通过变量绑定无缝集成 Tailwind 等主流框架,并支持混合字体方案灵活应对多样化设计场景。开发中需注意本地字体...
font-bold font-weight: 700; font-extrabold font-weight: 800; font-black font-weight: 900; font-(<custom-property>) font-weight: var(<custom-property>); font-[<value>] font-weight:<value>; Examples Basic example Use utilities likefont-thinandfont-boldto set the font weight of an element...
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <script src="https://cdn.tailwindcss.com"></script> <title> Default font color using Tailwind CSS </title> </head> <body class="text-pink-700"> <h1 class="text-8xl font-bold"> Tutorialspoint </h1> </body> </html> Output...
here it what I get on intellisense, it even multiplies the stuff --font-weight-*: initial;should work, as exhibited inthis Tailwind Play. The extra: --font-weight-extraBold:800;--font-weight-bold:700;--font-weight-semiBold:600;--font-weight-normal:400; After is adding them back in @...
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <script src="https://cdn.tailwindcss.com"></script> </head> <body class="p-4"> <h1 class="text-2xl font-bold"> Tailwind CSS Font Size </h1> <br> <p class="text-xs mb-4"> Hey, I am with font size 12px (text-xs). </p> ...
I have also added fonts in globals.css and tailwind.config.ts body { /* font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; */ font-family: var(--font-poppins); } config theme: { fontFamily: { poppins: ["var(--font-poppins)"], }, ...
I'm usingTailwindCSSfor styling and fonts are set up there in a following way: theme: {extend: {fontFamily: {capitanaBlack: ['Capitana Black','sans-serif'],capitanaBold: ['Capitana Bold','sans-serif'],capitanaLight: ['Capitana Light','sans-serif'],capitanaMedium: ['Capitana Medium','...
Which option you prefer is up to you; as a Tailwind developer, I prefer to target the icon through class names passed directly through props on the component. For you, choose whichever option integrates nicely into your styling solution. ...
fa fa-bold fa fa-italic fa fa-text-height fa fa-text-width fa fa-align-left fa fa-align-center fa fa-align-right fa fa-align-justify fa fa-list fa fa-dedent fa fa-outdent fa fa-indent fa fa-video-camera fa fa-image fa fa-photo ...
Browse 1,500+ Hand-picked Free Stock Images on Magdeleine.co Beautiful Tailwind CSS Templates 20 Premium templates built with Tailwind CSS. Available for Figma, HTML, React, Next.js, and Vue. Sponsored by CruipMore free resources you may like ...