Font AwesomeFont Awesome StartSearch IconsIconsDocsPlansSupportPodcast Sign In Unicode: Glyph: <iclass="fa-solid fa-user"></i> Learn about… Accessibility + Icons Found in the following categories: social users-people Released: 1.0.0 Updated: ...
Make your brand's existing logo known and accessible to millions of users by adding it to Font Awesome Free. Upgrade To Font Awesome Pro Font Awesome Pro gives you 53,663 icons in 68 categories across 16 styles + brands. Plus, Actual Human™ tech support, Icon Upload, hosted Pro Kits,...
Font Awesome Icons – List of 6500+ Free FA FA Icon (Version 6, 5, 4) Get FA FA Icons List of Fa Solid, Fa Regular, Fas, Brands, and Far. This list of Font Awesome cover the Version 6, 5, and 4 icons. You can edit and customize these Font Awesome Icons i
Example of user at 6x Example of user at 5x Example of user at 4x Example of user at 3x Example of user at 2x Example of user fa-user user 会员 用户 usersname 用户名 更多设计素材图标:maxdpi迈像素材 After you get up and running, you can place Font Awesome icons just about anywhere...
<i class="fa fa-users" aria-hidden="true"></i> Note: to improve web accessibility, we recommend using aria-hidden="true" to hide icons used purely for decoration. Looking for more? Check out the examples. Font Awesome 4.7.0 · Created by Font Awesome Font Awesome licensed under ...
Font Awesome V5 图标及对应编码 ad f641 address-book f2b9 address-card f2bb adjust f042 air-freshener f5d0 align-center f037 align-justify f039 align-left f036 align-right f038 allergies f461 ambulance f0f9 ...
font-awesome当前的版本是4.2.0,咱们就直接用这个版本的来说。 2.1 下载 去下 载,解压之后,应该能看到“css”和“font”两个文件夹。css文件夹中存放着css文档,font文件夹中存放在着适用于不同浏览器的字体文件。 其中,css文件夹中可以只保留 font-awesome.min.css ...
当使用wordpress的时候,默认菜单一般都是名称不带图标的,要想使用图标的话就需要使用插件,我使用的插件是Font Awesome,如果大家也想使用的话,可以试一试的。 安装插件 在插件列表中搜索Font Awesome,点击安装,安装好了之后点击启用 Font Awesome插件 插件配置 ...
font-awesome当前的版本是4.2.0,咱们就直接用这个版本的来说。 2.1 下载 去下载,解压之后,应该能看到“css”和“font”两个文件夹。css文件夹中存放着css文档,font文件夹中存放在着适用于不同浏览器的字体文件。其中,css文件夹中可以只保留 font-awesome.min.css 和 font-awesome-ie...
The font awesome library is also incredibly easy to use. To add font awesome icons to your page, you need to add the relevant font awesome classes to your HTML. For example, to add a custom icon, you would use the class 'fa' followed by your icon name.1<i class="fa custom-icon"...