Font AwesomeFont Awesome StartSearch IconsIconsDocsPlansSupportPodcast Sign In Twice as Nice for a Limited Price!Go Pro and getall the new Duotone icons and stylesbefore prices go up in 2025! You're viewing long-arrow-left for v5.15.4, an older version of Font Awesome. ...
Example of arrow-left at 6x Example of arrow-left at 5x Example of arrow-left at 4x Example of arrow-left at 3x Example of arrow-left at 2x Example of arrow-left fa-arrow-left arrow-left 更多设计素材图标:maxdpi迈像素材 After you get up and running, you can place Font Awesome ...
After you get up and running, you can place Font Awesome icons just about anywhere with the <i> tag: 最新福利:领取阿里云2000元通用代金券(新老客户均可用) Example of arrow-circle-left fa-arrow-circle-left 最新视频:【入门好课】前端开发学习路线 <i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-left" aria...
FontAwesome 4.7.0 中完整的675个图标样式CSS参考 用法:首先引入CSS文件:<link href="" rel="stylesh CSS FontAwesome - 绝佳的图标字体库和CSS框架 FontAwesome - 绝佳的图标字体库和CSS框架Font Awesome 字体为您提供可缩放矢...
1、进入font-awesome官网,下载,具体方法就不多说了,既然想用,肯定都会。 2、下载后,有两个文件夹:css和fonts 3、打开微信开发者工具 (1)、在项目根目录下建立一个文件夹,命名随意,我的文件夹名称是js。 (2)、再新建一个文件font-awesome.wxss
Font Awesome 中包含的都是矢量图标,在高分辨率的显示器上也能完美呈现。 专为Bootstrap设计 Font Awesome是完全从头设计的整套图标,完全和Bootstrap 2.2.2版本兼容. 设计师的助手 安装FontAwesome.otf 字体文件,然后在这个页面直接拷贝粘贴图标字符的代码就可以用于你的设计中了。
font-family:FontAwesome; font-weight:normal; font-style:normal; margin:0px 0px 0px 3px; text-decoration:none; color:#c7c8c9; content:"\f08e" } 代码\f08e 是一个超链接的箭头图标。 本文列举几百个常见图标的 content 代码,以供使用。
fa-arrow-circle-down fa-arrow-circle-left fa-arrow-circle-right fa-arrow-circle-up fa-arrow-circle-o-down fa-arrow-circle-o-left fa-arrow-circle-o-right fa-arrow-circle-o-up fa-arrow-down fa-arrow-left fa-arrow-right fa-arrow-up ...
arrow-alt-circle-down f358 arrow-alt-circle-left f359 arrow-alt-circle-right f35a arrow-alt-circle-up f35b arrow-circle-down f0ab arrow-circle-left f0a8 arrow-circle-right f0a9 arrow-circle-up f0aa arrow-down f063 arrow...
Ever wonder what “tent-arrow-turn-left” might look like in the mix? Well, you're in luck! We've cooked up some examples of how you could use the “tent-arrow-turn-left” icon in your projects, whether they're apps, interfaces, or print designs. An example of a mobile app usin...