window.FontAwesomeKitConfig = {"asyncLoading":{"enabled":false},"autoA11y":{"enabled":true},"baseUrl":"","detectConflictsUntil":null,"iconUploads":{},"license":"pro","method":"js","minify":{"enabled":true},"token":"768a971040","uploadsUrl":"https:/...
<template> <v-app> <v-main> v-icon: <v-icon>fas fa-user-secret</v-icon> <v-icon>fa-user-secret</v-icon> <v-icon>user-secret</v-icon> <v-icon>cancel</v-icon> font-awesome-icon: <font-awesome-icon icon="user-secret"></font-awesome-icon> </v-main> </v-app> </templat...
That depends on which version of FontAwesome you're running. v4.x uses the class="fa fa-search" syntax while v5.x has different versions of an icon (ie fas, far, fal or fad). Seeing how the former is working for you, I assume you've installed v4.x. Personally I'd recommend u...
For example, fa-tags is this one: And it is not working, nothing appears. I have found that only a very few icon names work. However, what actually work are the icon names I found here:
The internet's icon library + toolkit. Used by millions of designers, devs, & content creators. Open-source. Always free. Always awesome.
<font-awesome-icon icon="play" /> 我喜提了如下报错 (~O~;) Could not find one or more icon(s) { prefix:"fas", iconName:"play"} 无脑继续看官网文档,复制粘贴了几个例子进去,都是报错。于是跟进源码到这段: functionfindIconDefinition(iconLookup) {var_iconLookup$prefix =iconLookup.prefix, ...
Show icons from: Font Awesome 5 Font Awesome 4 Bootstrap GoogleFont Awesome 5:Font Awesome 4:fa fa-500px  Try it fa fa-address-book  Try it fa fa-address-book-o  Try it fa fa-address-card  Try it fa fa-address-card-o  Try it...
2. 应用font-awesome font-awesome当前的版本是4.2.0,咱们就直接用这个版本的来说。 2.1 下载 去下载,解压之后,应该能看到“css”和“font”两个文件夹。css文件夹中存放着css文档,font文件夹中存放在着适用于不同浏览器的字体文件。其中,css文件夹中可以只保留 font-awesome.min.css...
关于“vue项目引用font awesomeicon 报错?” 的推荐: Vue IE11报错 兼容已修复,原因是使用的某个插件不兼容IE导致的 解决方法:在vue.config中配置: transpileDependencies: ['resize-detector''使用的插件'], vue报错,环境问题,还是 信息不够完善,是不是端口被占用了。
Font Awesome has a vibrant community of folks helping each other out. You can get support, report bugs, request new icons, submit pull requests, and check upcoming milestones. Getting Support Having trouble getting Font Awesome up and running? Something not working the way you think it should...