<i class="fa fa-facebook-official" aria-hidden="true"></i> Note: to improve web accessibility, we recommend using aria-hidden="true" to hide icons used purely for decoration. Looking for more? Check out the examples. Font Awesome 4.7.0 · Created by Font Awesome Font Awesome licen...
After you get up and running, you can place Font Awesome icons just about anywhere with the <i> tag: 最新福利:领取阿里云2000元通用代金券(新老客户均可用) Example of facebook fa-facebook 最新视频:【入门好课】前端开发学习路线 <i class="fa fa-facebook" aria-hidden="true"></i> ...
Fixed --fa-font-solid, --fa-font-regular, --fa-font-light, --fa-font-thin CSS Custom properties to have correct family names: Font Awesome 6 Pro in SVG-specific CSS. Fixed an error with the square-chevron-down icon Fixed a bug in the duotone version of the file-slash icon Fixed ...
Font Awesome's library has thousands of icons, all accessible through simple CSS classes. For example, to use a Facebook icon, you would simply add the class fa fa-facebook to any element in your HTML.1<i class="fa fa-facebook"></i>This code will generate a Facebook icon on your...
Font Awesome 图标 Font Awesome 是一个流行的图标字体库,用于网页设计和开发。 Font Awesome 包含了一系列矢量图标,可以轻松地通过 CSS 进行调用和使用,它可以被定制大小、颜色、阴影等。 Font Awesome 最初是一个由 Dave Gandy 创建的开源项目,目的是提供一套灵活、
fa-anchor [] fa-android [] fa-angellist []4.2 fa-angle-double-down [] fa-angle-double-left [] fa-angle-double-right [] fa-angle-double-up [] fa-angle-down [] ...
fontawesome图标在线查询FontFont ClassUnicodeVersionSvg fa-500px  4.4 复制为svg fa-address-book  4.7 复制为svg fa-address-book-o  4.7 复制为svg fa-address-card  4.7 复制为svg fa-address-card-o  4.7 复制为svg ...
Show icons from: Font Awesome 5 Font Awesome 4 Bootstrap GoogleFont Awesome 5:Font Awesome 4:fa fa-500px  Try it fa fa-address-book  Try it fa fa-address-book-o  Try it fa fa-address-card  Try it fa fa-address-card-o  Try it...
fa-camera-retro 您可以将Font Awesome图标使用在几乎任何地方,只需要使用CSS前缀 fa ,再加上图标名称。 Font Awesome是为使用内联元素而设计的。我们通常更喜欢使用 <i> ,因为它更简洁。 但实际上使用 <span> 才能更加语义化。 <i class="fa fa-camera-retro"></i> fa-camera-retro 如果您修改了图标...
Font Awesome 品牌图标 下表显示了所有的 Font Awesome 品牌图标: 图标 描述 实例 fa fa-500px 尝试一下 fa fa-amazon 尝试一下 fa fa-adn 尝试一下 fa fa-android 尝试一