2,060 Free IconsIcons. Easy. Done. 1 line of code… 53,000+ icons. Don't download, install, manage, or publish icon files –our Kits CDN does it all for you. Create a free account and get your very own Font Awesome Kit to start your first project. Enter your email to get st...
Since each site gets a unique embed code, you can easily upgrade to the latest version of Font Awesome, all without pushing any code. Easy peasy. Auto accessibility support Font Awesome CDN helps you automate accessibility support more easily so your icons work for the most people possible. Re...
The complete set of 361 icons in Font Awesome 3.2.1 Heads up!These docs are for v3.2.1, which is no longer officially supported.Check out the latest version of Font Awesome! You asked, Font Awesome delivers with 58 shiny new icons in version 3.2. Want to request new icons?Here's how...
Brand Icons All brand icons are trademarks of their respective owners. The use of these trademarks does not indicate endorsement of the trademark holder by Font Awesome, nor vice versa. fa-adn fa-android fa-apple fa-bitbucket fa-bitbucket-square ...
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Font Awesome 4:fa fa-500px  Try it fa fa-address-book  Try it fa fa-address-book-o  Try it fa fa-address-card  Try it fa fa-address-card-o  Try it fa fa-adjust  Try it fa fa-adn  Try it fa fa-align-...
Font Awesome 字体为您提供可缩放矢量图标,它可以被定制大小、颜色、阴影以及任何可以用CSS的样式。 1.CDN 和下载链接 // CDN 1. 下载链接 - 点击下载 2.主要应用标签 1. 3.官方网站 http://fontawesome.io/icons/
2 如何才能将如此绝佳的Font Awesome Icons引用到自己的网页上呢?下面做详细介绍。3 最简单的方式:BootstrapCDN (由MaxCDN提供)一句话将Font Awesome加入您的网页中。您完全不用下载或者安装任何东西!将以下代码粘贴到网页HTML代码的 <head> 部分.<link href="//netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.5....
Font Awesome 在您的网站上使用Font Awesome展示矢量图标和社交标志,这可是网络上最流行的图标集和工具包。 免费使用下载 Version 5.15.4 1,608 免费图标 7,864 专业图标 获取更多功能的专业版定制颜色图标 图标可以根据您的需要使用任何颜色来显示。而Font Awesome专业版更支持全新的双色图标。这些漂亮的图标可以...
Font Awesome 的图标库:https://fontawesome.com/icons 【方法1】使用 https://fontawesome.com/cheatsheet,页面上的图标可以之间点击选中,复制即可。 【方法2】https://fontawesome.com/search 七、复制图标,粘贴到Axure,记得要设置字体,即可显示图标