To work around this, you'll need to modify the social icon class names. All brand icons are trademarks of their respective owners. The use of these trademarks does not indicate endorsement of the trademark holder by Font Awesome, nor vice versa. Brand icons should only be used to ...
You asked, Font Awesome delivers with 58 shiny new icons in version 3.2. Want to request new icons?Here's how.Need vectors or want to use on the desktop? Check thecheatsheet. New Icons in 3.2 icon-compass icon-collapse icon-collapse-top ...
当新版本发布时,BootstrapCDN需要一点时间来同步到最新版本。稍安勿躁 :) 参考示例,然后开始使用Font Awesome吧! 简单方式之一:使用默认CSS 如果您使用了默认的Bootstrap CSS样式,那么你可以使用这种方式来引入默认的Font Awesome CSS样式。 复制整个 font-awesome 文件夹到您的项目中。 在HTML的 <head> 中引用font...
Or to use on the desktop, install FontAwesome.otf and copy and paste the icons (not the unicode) directly into your designs. Every Font Awesome 3.2.1 Icon, CSS Class, & Unicode icon-glass () icon-music () icon-search () icon-...
What is it? FontAwesome是一种带有网页功能的象形文字语言,并收集在一个集合里,共有675个图标。兼容性和拓展性都很强,使用简单,并且完全开源免费。 Examples 使用HTML或CSS来引用font-awesome: 首先在头部引入stylesheet <link hr
Swap Font Awesome for modern line icons in one line of code.Getting Started Download ZIPAccessibility accessible-icon american-sign-language-interpreting assistive-listening-systems audio-description blind braille closed-captioning deaf low-vision phone-volume question-circle sign-language tty universal-...
Font Awesome是 Twitter Bootstrap设计的完美图标字体,是css框架的网页字体图标库,在网页中经常出现。它的官网,下面放一些介绍: 使用效果: 1 使用 1.1 法一 先引入资源文件: 编写帮助类辅助使用: 具体的图标对应的Unicode可以查看参考手册 ...
完整的Font Awesome 4.7.0矢量版本…另存此页为PDF来获取一套矢量版本。或者在你的操作系统中安装FontAwesome.otf字体,将其设置为你的应用程序的字体,复制并从该页面的图标(不是Unicode)的直接粘贴到您的设计软件中。 Every Font Awesome 4.7.0 Icon, CSS Class, & Unicode 4.4 fa-500px []...
To work around this, you'll need to modify the social icon class names. All brand icons are trademarks of their respective owners. The use of these trademarks does not indicate endorsement of the trademark holder by Font Awesome, nor vice versa. Brand icons should only be used to ...
The table below shows all Font Awesome Brand icons: IconDescriptionExample fa fa-500pxTry it fa fa-amazonTry it fa fa-adnTry it fa fa-androidTry it fa fa-angellistTry it fa fa-appleTry it fa fa-bandcampTry it fa fa-behanceTry it ...