I want to add fontawesome icons in the latex. For example, with \faCalendarDay we can add the calendar icon and with \1faIcon{phone-square-alt} we can add the phone icon. These both are working fine with some others, but now I want to add this icon: https://fontawesome.com/icons...
LaTeX引用图片技巧 一次引用多张图片应该添加宏包 capitlize 或者 capitalise 使用宏包:\usepackage[capitalize]{cleveref} 然后在引用图片时直接使用:\cref{fig1,fig2,fig3} 如果已经使用 cleveref 宏包, … taoo LaTeX listings 宏包使用说明 \small\color{blue}{预设} \lstset{ \small\color{purple}{基本设...
在 pdfLaTeX 要使用 fontawesome 字体的 \faMars 命令。顺利的话,这个过程是这样的:LaTeX 从 fontawe...
Font Awesome项目让LaTeX在排版方面可以省事不少,它直接把icon做成Font,只需映射好对应的值就可以便捷的使用海量的图标库 下图是对应的字体界面,可以使用开源软件Font Forge去查看icon及其Unicode的对应关系,再比对fontawesome.sty文件中的Mappings的对应关系就可以明白了 FontLab Studio界面 顺带一提两个字体软件 Font f...
Huajh Awesome Latex CV This is CV in English. 中文用户可以到 branch, 包括所有所需文件。 zh-cn分支仓库比较大,主要是中文字体比较大,国内用户下载速度慢的可以移步到 branch,该分支不含中文字体,提供国内下载链接。 Example An output example can be found ...
Latex CV template built with Font Awesome. Contribute to qiy/awesome-latex-cv development by creating an account on GitHub.
YAAC: Another Awesome CV is a template using Font Awesome and Adobe Source Font. resume-templateresumetemplatelatexcvfont-awesomeoverleaflatex-templatecv-template UpdatedNov 14, 2022 TeX The Font Awesome Icon pack available as Flutter Icons
GitHub风格的标记上的FontAwesome有以下特点和优势: 多样的图标选择:FontAwesome提供了数千个图标选项,涵盖了各种不同的类别,包括社交媒体图标、箭头、音频、视频、工具、设备、文件类型等,满足了不同应用场景的需求。 矢量图形:FontAwesome的图标都是矢量图形,可以无限缩放而不失真,适应不同屏幕尺寸和分辨率的设备。 简...
Thefontawesome package enables easy access to more than 1500 high-quality icons in LaTeX. These icons are covering many examples such as: animals, buildings, alerts, computers, brands, arrows, currency, date & time and much more! In this post we will considerfontawesome 5 package (version 5....
To be able to use Font Awesome 5 with [Xe/Lua]LaTeX, the easiest solution is probably to install the font on your system and access it through the package commands from fontawesome5 for the respective symbols (like you show in your MWE). There are other possibilities, if you don't wan...