Font Awesome 5 Social Icons ❮ PreviousNext ❯ Social Icons The table below shows the Free Font Awesome 5 Social icons: ❮ PreviousNext ❯ Track your progress - it's free! Log inSign Up
Font Awesome 5 Design Icons ❮ PreviousNext ❯ Design Icons The table below shows the Free Font Awesome 5 Design icons: ❮ PreviousNext ❯ COLOR PICKER
Font Awesome V5 图标及对应编码 ad f641 address-book f2b9 address-card f2bb adjust f042 air-freshener f5d0 align-center f037 align-justify f039 align-left f036 align-right f038 allergies f461 ambulance f0f9 ...
Font Awesome Icons – List of 6500+ Free FA FA Icon (Version 6, 5, 4) Get FA FA Icons List of Fa Solid, Fa Regular, Fas, Brands, and Far. This list of Font Awesome cover the Version 6, 5, and 4 icons. You can edit and customize these Font Awesome Icons i
Font Awesome IconsSearch the v6 Icons This icon search is powered by Algolia About Font Awesome Icons 53,663 Icons 5 Icon Packs 16 Icon Styles 68 Categories 1.8 Million Icon Possibilities Duotone Icons Double the layers, double the fun. Font Awesome now includes duotone versions of every ico...
With over 2,000 free and open-source icons, you're sure to find what you need... without paying a dime. Icon Wizard Add modifiers to any core Font Awesome icon. Over 1.8 Million possible icons! Icon Upload Need a different icon or style? No problem. Upload your own! We've even got...
FontAwesome 4.7 全部图标Web Application Icons fa-adjust fa-anchor fa-archive fa-area-chart fa-arrows fa-arrows-h fa-arrows-v fa-asterisk fa-at fa-automobile fa-ban fa-bank fa-bar-chart fa-bar-chart-o fa-barcode fa-bars fa-bed
About Font Awesome Icons 53,663 Icons 5 Icon Packs 16 Icon Styles 68 Categories 1.8 Million Icon Possibilities Duotone Icons Double the layers, double the fun. Font Awesome now includes duotone versions of every icon. Thousands of new icons, endless possibilities!
Complete icon list of Font Awesome icons - Complete icon list of Font Awesome displayed with icons, CSS names and codes.
Brand Icons All brand icons are trademarks of their respective owners. The use of these trademarks does not indicate endorsement of the trademark holder by Font Awesome, nor vice versa. fa-adn fa-android fa-apple fa-bitbucket fa-bitbucket-square ...