-e SRT_2_ASS_FORMAT='Format: Name, Fontname, Fontsize, PrimaryColour, SecondaryColour, OutlineColour, BackColour, Bold, Italic, Underline, StrikeOut, ScaleX, ScaleY, Spacing, Angle, BorderStyle, Outline, Shadow, Alignment, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Encoding' -e SRT_2_ASS_STYLE='Style:...
WdAlignmentTabRelative WdAnimation WdApplyQuickStyleSets WdArabicNumeral WdAraSpeller WdArrangeStyle WdAutoFitBehavior WdAutoMacros WdAutoVersions WdBaselineAlignment WdBookmarkSortBy WdBorderDistanceFrom WdBorderType WdBorderTypeHID WdBreakType WdBrowserLevel WdBrowseTarget WdBuildingBlockTypes WdBuiltInProperty...
inLibraryBoolean addRef 增加资源的引用 metadescription 返回Asset 定义于cocos2d/core/assets/CCAsset.js:283 decRef 减少资源的引用并尝试进行自动释放。 metadescription 返回Asset 定义于cocos2d/core/assets/CCAsset.js:301 destroy 销毁该对象,并释放所有它对其它对象的引用。
Styles –Apply pre-configured styles to existing elements in the editor content. Text alignment –Because it does matter whether the content is left, right, centered, or justified. Case change –Turn a text fragment or block into uppercase, lowercase, or title case. Headings –Divide your cont...
In [1]: df = pd.DataFrame({'one': [1., 2., 3.]})In [2]: df.two = [4, 5, 6]UserWarning: Pandas doesn't allow Series to be assigned into nonexistent columns - see https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/indexing.html#attribute_accessIn [3]: dfOut[3]: one0 1.01 ...
macro.TextAlignment Mask.Type Material.BUILTIN_NAME MeshRenderer.ShadowCastingMode PageView.Direction PageView.EventType PageView.SizeMode PageViewIndicator.Direction ParticleSystem.EmitterMode ParticleSystem.PositionType ParticleSystem3DAssembler.RenderMode PhysicsManager.DrawBits Prefab.Optimiza...
setStrikeout in interface Font (界面字体中的 setStrikeout) Parameters: strikeout - - value for strikeout or not (三振 - - 三振值与否) setTypeOffset public void setTypeOffset(short offset) set normal,super or subscript, that representing the vertical-alignment setting. Setting this to eithe...
htmlCopy to Clipboardplay <body> This is Bitstream Vera Serif Bold. </body> cssCopy to Clipboardplay @font-face { font-family: "Bitstream Vera Serif Bold"; src: url("https://mdn.github.io/shared-assets/fonts/VeraSeBd.ttf"); } body { font-family: "Bitstream Vera Serif Bold", seri...
AbsolutePositionTabAlignmentValues AbsolutePositionTabLeaderCharValues AbsolutePositionTabPositioningBaseValues AbstractNum AbstractNumDefinitionName AbstractNumId Active ActiveRecord ActiveWritingStyle AddressFieldName AdjustLineHeightInTable AdjustRightIndent Aliases AlignBorderAndEdges AlignTablesRowByRow AllowPNG AllowSpa...
2.1.42 Part 1 Section, divId (Associated HTML div ID) 2.1.43 Part 1 Section, framePr (Text Frame Properties) 2.1.44 Part 1 Section, ind (Paragraph Indentation) 2.1.45 Part 1 Section, jc (Paragraph Alignment) 2.1.46 Part 1 Section