fomite [英['fəʊmaɪt]美['foʊˌmaɪt]] fomite的意思、解释 n.污染物 网络带菌杂物;染菌杂物;传染媒;病媒 更多
fomite /'fəumait//ˈfoˌmaɪt/ 添加到生词本英汉-汉英词典 n. 污染近义、反义、联想词 词n. object, physical object 联想词 pathogen病原体;conveyance运输;pathogens病原体;bacterium细菌;transmission传输;用户正在搜索Bundestag, Bundeswehr, bunding, Bundist, bundle, bundle of His, bundle ...
The meaning of FOMITE is an object (such as a dish, doorknob, or article of clothing) that may be contaminated with infectious agents (such as bacteria or viruses) and serve in their transmission. How to use fomite in a sentence. Did you know?
fomite [`fəumait] 医学辞典 污染物:物体(如书、木器或一件衣着)本身无害,但因携带病原微生物而成为传播一种传染病的物体,此物体即为污染物 英汉医学词典 n.带菌者,污染物质远期效应 专业医学词典 污染物,传染媒(介) 与"fomite"相近的词条 ... ...
fomite n. 1.污染物 最新单词 fourpenny是什么意思 a. 四辨士的 fourpence的中文翻译及音标 n. 四便士,四便士银币 fourmarierite的中文意思 红铀矿 fourling怎么翻译及发音 四晶 fouring的中文释义 四纬稀弄 fourierism的中文解释 n. 传立叶主义 fourier的中文意思 傅立叶(①姓氏 ②Francois Marie ...
Noun1.fomite- any inanimate object (as a towel or money or clothing or dishes or books or toys etc.) that can transmit infectious agents from one person to another vehicle object,physical object- a tangible and visible entity; an entity that can cast a shadow; "it was full of rackets,...
必应词典为您提供fomite的释义,网络释义: 病媒;带菌杂物;染菌杂物;
fomite 英['fəʊmaɪt]美['foʊˌmaɪt] n.污染物 网络带菌杂物;染菌杂物;传染媒;病媒 行业释义网络释义 医学 1.污染物:物体(如书、木器或一件衣着)本身无害,但因携带病原微生物而成为传播一种传染病的物体,此物体即为污染物
将“Fomite"翻译成中文 传染物, 傳染物, 媒介物是“Fomite"到 中文 的最佳翻译。 Fomite + 添加翻译 德文-中文字典 传染物 masculine Dbnary: Wiktionary as Linguistic Linked Open Data 傳染物 masculine Dbnary: Wiktionary as Linguistic Linked Open Data 媒介物 masculine Dbnary: Wiktionary as ...
fomite n. 污染物 同义词 n. vehicle 参考例子 1.Fomite. An inanimate object that is contaminated with infectious agents. 污染物。被病原污染的非生命体。 2.The screening of polyoxin producing and anti_infect strains from fomite fermentor lots was introduced. 探讨从多抗霉素染菌罐批中分离抗杂菌...