La biblioteca escolar para el fomento de la lectura multimodal en la básica primariadoi:10.17533/udea.rib.v46n3e349205SCHOOL librariesREADING promotionSCHOOLSSCHOOL childrenSCHOOL librariansLIBRARIES & schoolsPUBLIC institutionsACQUISITION of dataThe school library is a service of...
Una nueva lectura: género en el desarrollo. Lima, Perú. Sañudo Pazos, María Fernanda (2015). Tierra y Género. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Bogotá. ICBF (2017). Lineamiento técnico sobre el modelo de enfoque diferencial. Bogotá. Anexo 4: Documentos requeridos, matriz de...
First, the artistic recreation sport from the point of view cultural for lifelong learning from anthologies, works of documentationJesús Castañón Rodríguez
Finally, by way of conclusion, a comparative analysis of these selected projects is performed.POYATOSAGUSTNGONZLEZBoletin de la Asociacion Andaluza de Bibliotecarios
Older adults can learn and interact, but they require inclusive spaces where, under proper guidance, their skills can improve.HERROS SNCHEZ, IRMA GUILLERMINAJARVIO FERNNDEZ, ANTONIA OLIVIALiminar