The role of the frontal lobes in affective disorder following strokeDepression korreliert umgekehrt mit Abstand vom linken Frontalpol. Manie nach orbitofrontaler Schdigung, besonders rechts.StarksteinRobinsonLevinEisenbergBenton
Since 1936, when Moniz reported that prefrontal leukotomy might be beneficial to certain types of psychotic patients, many attempts have been made to evaluate the normal functions of the frontal lobes of the brain by postoperative studies with standardized psychological tests. Two factors have ...
& Hutchison, J. (2014). Relationship of diffuse axonal injury in the frontal lobes to ratings of inattention and hyperactivity following pediatric traumatic brain injury. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, 15(4), 87-88. doi: 10.1097/01.pcc.0000449104.08211.59....
Changes in the behaviour of goats following ablation of the orbito-frontal lobes of the cerebral cortexTHE exposed medulla oblongata of the dog, cat and rat was explored by means of a stereotaxic instrument carrying a unipolar steel needle electrode (diameters from 10 to 40 microns at the non-...
DamageAudiovisual Integration in Early Language DevelopmentAuditory SystemAutism Spectrum DisorderAutism Spectrum Disorder: From Etio-Pathology to TreatmentAutism Spectrum Disorder—Diagnosis, Therapy, Participation and Their DeterminantsBest Practices in Social NeuroscienceBiomarkers for Early Diagnosis of Dementia...
Individual lobes of the glands were reconstructed from the optical sections using the Leica software followed by using the overlay software to place the fluorescent image onto the DIC image. Fluorescent images were reconstructed using the maximum external focus setting. All chemicals used were obtained...