However, these pre-arrest and arrest variables tend to have a high false positive rate for predicting poor neurological outcomes. There are no reliable predictors of outcome in children. High quality of CPR is associated with short term survival outcomes. For post-arrest variables, absence of ...
3.1. Main components analysis Compositions of peanut OBs are relatively complex, mainly composed of neutral lipids, proteins, and phospholipids. Compositions and relative contents of crude-OB, pH 8.0-OB, pH 9.5-OB, and pH 11.0-OB are shown in Table 1. Neutral lipid contents of OBs treated by...
Immune imprinting by priming with SARS-2 spike in the Trivalent cohort appears to have biased the subsequent serum antibody response, which shows significantly greater neutralization of SARS-2 compared with SARS-1 and WIV1 despite inclusion of all three components in the boosting immunizations. The...
Viruses are abundant, ubiquitous members of soil communities that kill microbial cells, but how they respond to perturbation of soil ecosystems is essentially unknown. Here, we investigate lineage-specific virus-host dynamics in grassland soil following “wet-up”, when resident microbes are both resu...
A second aim was to examine potential moderator variables that predict adherence and to analyze whether adherence in general or the usage of specific intervention components affects outcomes. Findings have the potential to increase knowledge about the impact of the intervention on health care utilization...
In bran, these components are further concentrated in the metabolically active aleurone layer that comprises 45%–50% of the bran produced in milling and which can be isolated for use as a food ingredient that may confer beneficial physiological effects [2,3]. Indeed, a four-week intervention ...
During the course of CR participation patients performed 20–45 min of aerobic activity in a monitored setting, with the usual addition of strength training components for 10–15 min. In addition to CR attendance patients were encouraged to partake in light to moderate physical activity for at ...
These motifs are recognized by 14–3–3 proteins, and bZIP18 and bZIP52 were found to bind 14–3–3 ε, the interaction of which sequesters them to the cytoplasm. Mutation of both residues abolished 14–3–3 ε interaction and led to a strict nuclear localization for both TFs. RNA-seq...
Cancer related edema may be a result of altered oncotic pressure or lymphatic system obstruction. Additionally, cancer treatments often result in reduced patient physical activity, and increased sedentary behavior and any associated obesity are likely contributors to altered total body water distribution [...