The U.S. Army continues to face toxic leadership despite an increase in the training on the subject in the last five years. Toxic Followership is an aspect that both the U.S. Army and the majority of civilian organizations overlook. In an attempt to determine what effect, if any, toxic ...
The Air Force can greatly benefit by increasing the role of followership in professional military education at all ranks, officer and enlisted, to help create more effective leaders. It is important to understand that leadership and followership are complementary competencies and military leaders must ...
Economic theory predicts that organisations achieve higher levels of productivity when tasks are divided among different subsets of workers. This prediction is based upon the expectation that individuals should perform best when they specialise upon a fe
Miller, R. L,Butter, J,Cosentino, C. J.Followership effectiveness:an extension of Fiedler’’s contingency model. Leadership and Organization Development Journal . 2004Miller, R.L., Butler, J., & Cosentino, C.J. (2004). Followership effectiveness: An extension of Fiedler's contingency model...
“other half” of the leadership story and we believe that the role of followership should be heavily inserted into the reimaging process. Therefore as the committee of FLC, we encourage everyone starting with FLC members, and in a larger scale, individuals who are interested in, curious or ...
Army's professional military education (PME) system. The relationship between military leadership and followership, including in regard to the role that courage plays in professionally dissenting from a military officer when the latter make an unethical decision, is discussed.Berg...
The young men and women that joined the fight against the Army did so because they felt trapped as second class citizens. This understanding contributed to community cohesion. This strong bond propelled them to stand up against the injustice. In Libya, those who participated in the revolution ...