United States are Jews than any other country in the world, about 6 million. Judaism has many followers to the Jews. Judaism is the United States's third largest religion. United States Orthodox, about 3 million people, mainly in the East, Midwest and California. United States of about 600...
Once the faith of millions, a small but devoted number of adherents in Asia and North America keep the flame of faith burning.
As with other religions, there are multiple different branches of modern Norse Paganism (sometimes simply known as heathenry), which all vary slightly in their interpretations and their practices. Some of the main ‘paths’ of Norse Paganism are outlined below. Ásatrú Ásatrú is a new-ish ...
108 David LemlerA“dogmatic” approach to halakhahMaimonides’ approach to halakhah might be described as “dogmatic” in two ways. With his famous list of 13 fundamentals (qawāʿid) in his Commentary of the Mishnah, Maimonides is the first within rabbinic Judaism to set a list of compulsor...
is generally anathema to most Jews. This poses a significant difficulty to the Antis, who market their brand of Judaism in order to support themselves. But just as this issue was coming into the fore Berger secured them with the perfect cover, thereby easing the strain of broaching this subj...