Follow-updatawasobtainedthroughcorrespondenceandoutpatientdepartmentvisitswith thefollow-upratebeing88.8%. 随访结果是通过信件、电话及门诊获得,随访率为88. 6. Theyhavepublished24-monthfollow-updatawithasmallnumber of people. 他们发表了小部分患者为期24个月的随访研究数据。
One-year Follow-up DataEsbensen, FinnAage
Rebecca Kristeleit, BSc, MBChB, MRCP, PhD, consultant medical oncologist and clinical senior lecturer, University College-London Cancer Institute, discusses key efficacy outcomes derived from 3-year follow-up data from newly diagnosed patients with advanced ovarian cancer treated in the phase 3 A...
The model was based on 8-year follow-up data for ICD implantation after myocardial infarction (MADIT II), which was published recently. Results The analysis shows that ICD implantation compared to conventional therapy in patients fulfilling MADIT-II criteria has a cost-effectiveness ratio of €44...
OBJECTIVES: Studies that reported the association between diet quality/nutritional intake status and mortality have rarely used long-term follow-up data in Asian countries, including Korea. This study investigated the association between the risk of mortality (all-cause and cause-specific) and the die...
The necessity of strength evaluation in assessment of clinical outcome after shoulder surgery: follow-up data from patients with complex proximal humerus f... Che, L.,Wang,etc.The necessity of strength evaluation in assessment of clinical outcome after shoulder surgery: follow-up data from patients...
data data_processed LICENSE README License FollowUp Dataset Recent work on Natural Language Interfaces to Databases (NLIDB) has attracted considerable attention. NLIDB allow users to search databases using natural language instead of SQL-like query languages. While saving the users from havi...
Release Date: june 2021 Wanted: Infrastructure: include SHA3-256, as SQlite uses it, and it's there since Python-3.6 Python-3.9.5, Python-3.10beta3 Python-3.7+ PyPy 64 bit beta variant (belief: PyPy3 problems of now are also cPython-3.11...
Evaluation of patient-reported outcomes data in structured diabetes education intervention: 2-year follow-up data of patient empowerment programme 来自 EBSCO 喜欢 0 阅读量: 30 作者:CKH Wong,CLK Lam,EYF Wan,AKC Chan,CH Pak,FWK Chan,WCW Wong ...
Lung cancer survival with herbal medicine and vitamins in a whole-systems approach: ten-year follow-up data analyzed with marginal structural models and pr... Lung cancer survival with herbal medicine and vitamins in a whole-systems approach: ten-year follow-up data analyzed with marginal structur...