我坚信梦想与努力一定会让陷入绝境的勇者,崛起而获得新生! 未来的世界是我们的世界,未来的使命是我们共同的使命。 STC正是因怀揣着一颗敬畏生命的心,触摸到了生命脉搏的跳动,追随着自己的热情,找到了真正属于我们的使命,现在这份使命又延续给了STC大铁联赛—— 即把铁三精神发扬光大,让更多的人了解到它不单单是场...
日子平淡无奇的过着,转眼我在职场已经十多年了。有一天晚上给儿子讲故事哄他睡觉时,看到了一句话:Follow your passion遵从你的本心,瞬间想起了大学时的考研梦,有了为梦想拼搏一次的冲动,同时职场的竞争也让我向往回到学校充实自我,提升学历。...
" Sure, passion sounds like a wonderful thing when choosing where to invest your time and effort. After all, the average person spends more than 90,000 hours at work in their lifetime. Yes, that is one-third of your entire life. So, of course, it would be nice if that time was sp...
Follow Your Passion, Find Your PowerBob Doyle
After much consideration, I took the less safe path to follow my passion, and I'm proud of that choice. 考虑再三之后,我选择了不那么安稳的道路,追随我的内心热爱的事情。我为自己的这个决定感到自豪。 <上下滑动,查看全文> 【重点词汇&表达】 ...
Follow Your Passion! Interview with Connie Beck PM World JournalKhelifi, Yasmina
接下来讲passion,一个人该不该“follow your passion”,我的答案很简单,当你内心最优先级的欲望就是你的passion的时候,你该去追逐它。当你明确了你的passion即是你最大的内心欲望的时候,你会义无反顾的去追随它,不计一切代价,就像查尔斯注定会为了月亮而放弃六便士一样。
The problem is that we don’t have much evidence that this is how passion works. “Follow your passion” assumes: a) you have preexisting passion, and b) if you match this passion to your job, then you’ll enjoy that job. When I studied the issue, it was more complex. Most people...
Recap-Follow Your Passion