AIM: This study aimed to determine findings of axillary view mammogram (MMG) and ultrasound (USG) of the ipsilateral side in post-mastectomy patients and to document difficulty level in performing the axillary view and patients' pain level during the procedure. METHODS: Post-mastectomy patients who...
Follow-up, for all subjects, was a clinical breast examination and mammogram or ultrasound at 6 months, 1 year, and 2 years after benign breast biopsy by a breast surgeon. End points were the need for additional biopsies or cancer detection. Statistical analysis was performed using chi-squared...
In the follow-up of Hodgkin's lymphoma patients, the focus in the first 5 years is to detect recurrence, while after 5 years, the focus is on limiting and detecting late effects of treatment. In the first 5 years post-treatment, routine history and physical and computed tomography (CT) ...
Nearly all had a second mammogram, called a diagnostic mammogram, after the screening scan. From there, many went on to have additional scans and even biopsies to remove a bit of tissue for examination to determine if they had cancer. Those who went on to have a biopsy paid the most out...
firstlooked into this in Octoberfor our series,Medical Price Roulette, a collaboration with Clear Health Costs. After that story aired, we heard from hundreds of women who told us they could not afford the follow-up tests their doctors had ordered, like additional mammograms, ultras...
In year 11th through 17th, women were considered adherent if they had at least one consultation in primary care and one or more imaging tests or one mammogram per year. Women who adhered to the basic recommendations for more than half their follow-up period were considered overall adherent. ...
Ultrasound alone 1 (1) Other/unknown 4 (3) Site of LR Primary tumour bed 74 (60) Near primary tumour bed 17 (14) Elsewhere in the breast 10 (8) Diffuse 5 (4) Unknown 18 (14) Moment of detection of LR During routine follow-up 56 (45) Between two follow-up visits 68 (55) Abb...
Recommendationsforfollow-upcare TheNationalComprehensiveCancerNetworkhas establishedtheollowingguidelinesorollow-upo breastcancertreatment: 1.Haveamammogramevery12months.Forwomen treatedwithlumpectomyandradiationtherapy, haveamammogram6monthsaterradiation therapyends,thenofbothbreastsevery12months. 2.Haveaphysicalexami...
Foremost, this appears to be a safe follow-up alternative since benign definitive disposition can usually be made in less than 1 year. Supplemental reasons include persistent low-patient compliance (as redemonstrated in our study) and the higher cost of breast MRI compared to mammogram/ultrasound ...
The most common diagnostic resolution pathways following a positive screening mammogram were: 1) diagnostic mammography only (72%); 2) diagnostic mammography, ultrasound (11%); and 3) diagnostic mammography, biopsy (7%). In the adjusted model for women <65 years, uninsured women experienced a ...