5 Need synonym for beginning something eagerly 1 Synonym of Synonym 1 Synonym for "to Accept Blame" 0 Synonym for catching up Hot Network Questions Why does Hermione say that “Kreacher and Regulus’s family were all safer if they kept to the old pureblood line”? How prevalent i...
One of the questions I ask in philosophy class is whether, if there were a machine that could clone your body and mind (with all its ideas, memories, abilities, etc.) exactly as they are now (say in a distant city, so that you could travel anywhere virtually instantaneously), would it...
Results and discussion: We generated four themes through the analysis, namely "We are (back) at scratch", "Time is always an issue", "Getting them ready for what is to come鈥搕ransition as a synonym to transfer" and "Raising topics that go beyond medic...
Constant investment in innovation, research, expertise and a creative, professional approach make Mares a synonym of quality, safety and reliability. The best of Mares is encapsulated in every product to meet the needs of each and every diver. Come and discover the Mares world, all you need ...
Substitute music teacher lessons are usually determined by the music teacher. There are those times, however when teachers don't expect to be absent and substitute teachers must come up with creative lesson ideas on the fly. Many elementary music lesson
There are legal questions arising from a method like that, defiantly civil and quite possible criminal aspects to it. People should seek council before they even think of trying that. You do not have the jurisdiction or authority to place ads on behalf of an entity without consent. That is ...
quick on the uptake or needing extra patience. One of my calls today was from an elderly man who wanted to be sure he was doing what was needed to resolve an issue. He had a pleasant manner and was grateful for the help. His questions were somewhat repetitive, however, and I found my...
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